發表於 2014-1-25 03:06:17
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2014-1-25 03:10 編輯
柒喜 發表於 2014-1-24 07:09 
在Sony的房間內,看到許多喇叭,以及新的ES糸列Hi End產品,看來Sony是玩真的,不僅喇叭做得非常好,這二部 ...
The Sony's VFET was from storage after 40 years, nice metal case TO-3, not today's cheap out put transistor's plastic case. Don't think this amp is for sale, after the show. Sony will select dealers in different countries for demo. Hmmm..Class A VFET amp... . I am just happy I had one in the 70s.
Think it was like $1,200 USD...very expensive at the time for 100 watt amp. Good old memory. |