發表於 2014-1-22 06:42:54
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2014-1-22 08:01 編輯
hkwatcher 發表於 2014-1-21 17:57 
聽君一席話, 勝聽十年 hi-fi !
This is how it looks in drawing: (invisible to eyes, but it exists) A resistor, coil and capacitor there in every foot of the speaker wire. Causing all kinda trouble, lol...This 3 parts could form a invisible tank circuit, introduce impedance and worst could cause oscillation (not likely). Greatly degrades the quality of the signal transferred. That is why the cable should be short and thick, where some hi fi fans disagree, even on this forum lol...says too long or too short, don't sound good. Come on, this is physics lol... and been proven. Silver or copper, less important in real life conditions, unlike what hi fi fan says. I know some don't like hearing what I said, just my 2 cents, no offense.