With this kind of power and dynamic range, it is good for all kinds of music..
It is a push/pull design for power and efficiency which will win some 死硬粉絲's support
Class A fans not gonna like this lol...
A little secret, Class A amps does have higher distortion, specially on the lower harmonics, due to higher induce current. (most folks don't know, hehe)
There is also the 20 year warranty that Bryston has. Also the excellent machine work of its amps, much better than Audio Research. I have Bryston 4BST for years. Very happy with it. Now in the process of upgrading to 4BSST2. Excellent matching pre-amp is Audio Research.
You can do it anytime you like... I know Bryston pretty well myself and love to know some Bryston owner's opinion. Would be nice to learn form you...Last time I listened to Bryston amp was long ago, driving a pair of Dayton Wright electro-static speakers with 24 in Harley Sub and Decca Ribbon tweeters, quite impressive.
I am 經濟派, too. The 4BST looks well build, even better build than 4BSST-2. Decent speed @60V/microsecond..with nice filtering capacitors and two power transformers. You might wanna listen very carefully first. Newer Brystons seem to give you less (single transformer) on power supply and parts plus it cost a lot more..just my two cents. Audio Research LS-17 SE...Line amp?
I know, I know...a pre-amp has no soul without phone stage lol...You see, line amps are very simple in design. It works as function selector with minimal or no gain. At best it is a buffer stage, I even doubt it..(depends on designer)
Phone/DAC makes all the difference...Line amp don't do jerk shxt compare to them. Why folks paying good premium for a piece of not so useful gear?
Better spend more money on DAC/Phone lol...get a cheap used pre-line amp for a few hundred bucks, pretty much works the same.