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Japan’s Emperor Hirohito made a secret deal with U.S. General Douglas

發表於 2014-1-14 06:49:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 紅磡春妹 於 2014-1-15 00:08 編輯

Hirohito & Asia’s Stolen Treasures: Japanese Atrocities
揭開 日本經濟奇蹟之謎
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Japan’s Emperor Hirohito made a secret deal with U.S. General Douglas MacArthur and the U.S. government to protect the Japanese royal family and thousands of Japanese war criminals, in return for a significant share of the over 100 billion dollars in gold, jewels, and other commodities that the Japanese had stolen from the China, Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, and all of Asia. The US government promised Hirohito that neither he nor any member of the royal family would stand trial or even be questioned, and that most of the major war criminals would be allowed to return to power in post-war Japan, some after only a few years in prison. As part of the deal, Japan was also allowed to keep tens of billions of dollars worth of stolen loot.

Thus, while the China, Korea, and the other Asian countries watched in envy, their stolen treasures went to rebuilding Japan and accounts for Japan’s post-war “economic miracle.”

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Even General Ishii 石井將軍 who commanded the infamous unit 731 received immunity. Ishii made a private deal with MacArthur 麥克阿瑟將軍. General Ishii had conducted horrible medical experiments on innocent people, injecting Koreans, Chinese, Russians, Americans, and others with horrible diseases and then dissecting people alive, without anesthesia.

(Shirō Ishii (石井 四郎 Ishii Shirō?, June 25, 1892 – October 9, 1959) was a Japanese microbiologist and the lieutenant general of Unit 731, a biological warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army involved in human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War.)

However, during the trial Tojo 東條英機, . . .

Thus, General MacArthur 麥克阿瑟將軍, and the United States government conspired with war criminals, mass murderers, and gangsters to cover up the crimes of Hirohito 裕仁 and the royal family, in return for a significant proportion of the 100 billion dollars in gold, silver, and other assets which had been looted from all over Asia by Japan, and allowed Hirohito and the royal family to get away with mass murder.


Treasures: Why the World Forgot The Rape of Nanking, Japanese Atrocities, & The Golden Lily." As detailed in a shocking new movie, being directed and produced by acclaimed documentary film-maker, Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D., Japan's Emperor Hirohito made a secret deal with U.S. General Douglas MacArthur and the U.S. government to protect the Japanese royal family and thousands of Japanese war criminals, in return for a significant share of the over 100 billion dollars in gold, jewels, and other commodities that the Japanese had stolen from the China, Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, and all of Asia. The US government promised Hirohito that neither he nor any member of the royal family would stand trial or even be questioned, and that most of the major war criminals would be allowed to return to power in post-war Japan, some after only a few years in prison. As part of the deal, Japan was also allowed to keep tens of billions of dollars worth of stolen loot. Thus, while the China, Korea, and the other Asian countries watched in envy, their stolen treasures went to rebuilding Japan and accounts for Japan's post-war "economic miracle." The title of Dr. Joseph's new film is: "Hirohito & Asia's Stolen Treasures Why the World Forgot The Rape of Nanjing & Japanese Atrocities." He is also the Director of "The Rape of Nanking." During the Pacific War and World War II, it was well known that Japanese soldiers tortured, beheaded, bayonetted, raped, set on fire, and murdered millions of women, children, and old men including Chinese, British, Dutch, Australian, and American POWs. As the war drew to a close, the US congress, political leaders, newspapers, and people from around the world demanded that Hirohito and the entire royal family be tried as war criminals. However, after the the Phillipines was liberated from Japan, the US made an amazing discovery. Under the direction of Hirohito's brother, prince Chibubu, the Japanese buried billions of dollars in gold in tunnels and caves excavated by Japanese engineers. Hirohito and the royal family had systmatically looted every Asian country they had attacked. Asian treasure had been hidden in the Phillipines, in banks, or sat in sunken ships at the bottom of Tokyo Bay. Billions more had been used to fund the Japanese war machine, or had been secretly deposited in dozens of major banks headquartered in neutral countries. However, there is a saying: "To the victor goes the spoils." The U.S. as victor felt entitled to share in the spoils of war. However, to make the deal stick, the world's Number 1 war criminal, Emperor Hirohito was absolved off all responsibility.The U.S. began conspiring with mass murderers, war criminals, and the gangsters and to cover up their crimes. It was imperative that Hirohito and all responsible members of the royal family, never be charged, never be questioned, and that all go free. Even General Ishii who commanded the infamous unit 731 received immunity. Ishii made a private deal with MacArthur. General Ishii had conducted horrible medical experiments on innocent people, injecting Koreans, Chinese, Russians, Americans, and others with horrible diseases and then dissecting people alive, without anesthesia. According to Colonel Sanders, "MacArthur agreed to immunity for all in return for all the [unit 731] information." Ishii later became a millionaire and director of Japan's Green Cross.
Hirohito would also go free and would never be questioned. However, during the trial Tojo insisted that he followed the orders of the Emperor. When Tojo was asked. "Did you ever make any suggestion or take any action against the Emperor's wil..." Tojo replied: "No, I didn't. None of us would dare act against the Emperor's will." Other prosecutor's immediately began demanding that Hirohito be indicted immediately and placed on trial. Keenan and MacArthur immediately sent their agent, Ryukushi Tanaka, to speak with Tojo. Tojo stubbornly refused to change his testimony. " Hirohito realizing the jeopardy he was in, ordered Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal Koichi Kido to meet with Tojo. On January 4, Kido and Tojo met. As later revealed by Tanaka: "Kido talked to Tojo and told him of Keenan's intentions. Kido tried very hard to persuade him and Tojo understood and reluctantly agreed." When Tojo appeared again in court, Tojo retracted and changed his testimony, took all the blame, and absolved Hirohito of all responsibility.Thus, General MacArthur, and the United States government conspired with war criminals, mass murderers, and gangsters to cover up the crimes of Hirohito and the royal family, in return for a significant proportion of the 100 billion dollars in gold, silver, and other assets which had been looted from all over Asia by Japan, and allowed Hirohito and the royal family to get away with mass murder.


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發表於 2014-1-16 02:42:18 | 顯示全部樓層
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Indonesian has a saying: Alibaba
Ali in the front, baba at the back.
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發表於 2014-1-16 05:17:15 | 顯示全部樓層
日美只有利益, 冇道義
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發表於 2014-1-16 07:58:03 | 顯示全部樓層
better leave away politicle since make me feel sick,
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發表於 2014-1-16 08:31:41 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2014-1-16 10:02:59 | 顯示全部樓層
Japanese Monsters War Crimes
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發表於 2014-1-16 11:46:13 用手機發表 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2014-1-16 12:18:29 | 顯示全部樓層
sorry, 英文程度未能達標去欣賞
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發表於 2014-1-16 16:21:03 | 顯示全部樓層
日本仔, 美國佬係亞洲落下的一隻棋子.
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發表於 2014-1-16 16:32:39 | 顯示全部樓層
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不要忘記 日本今天的經濟低迷 都拜美國所賜 可喟天有眼
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發表於 2014-1-16 16:35:13 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 文崇儒 於 2014-1-16 16:42 編輯


日本裕仁天皇作出一項秘密協定美國將軍道格拉斯 · 麥克亞瑟與美國政府,以保護日本皇室家族和數千名日本戰犯,回報多大比重在黃金、 珠寶和其他的商品,日本從中國、 韓國、 新加坡、 菲律賓、 和所有的亞洲偷了 1000 億美金。美國政府承諾裕仁他和皇家家庭的任何成員都不會站試用版或甚至受到了質疑,以及大部分的主要戰爭罪犯會獲准返回到電源在戰後日本,僅在幾年之後一些監獄。作為交易的一部分,日本還允許保留價值數十億美元的被盜贓物數萬。

因此,儘管中國、 韓國和其他亞洲國家羡慕地看著,自己被盜的寶藏去重建日本和帳戶為日本的戰後"經濟奇跡"。

. . .   . . .    . . .
即使一般石井石井將軍吩咐臭名昭著的單位 731 收到的免疫功能。石井做了私人交易與麥克亞瑟麥克亞瑟將軍。一般石井進行了可怕的醫學實驗,對無辜人民,韓國、 中國、 俄國、 美國和其他人注射非常可怕的疾病,然後夾層人活著,無需麻醉。

(Shirō 石井 (石井四郎石井 Shirō?、 1892 年 6 月 25 日 — — 1959 年 10 月 9 日) 是日本微生物學和生物戰單位所涉及的人體實驗,在第二次中日戰爭期間日本皇軍的單位 731 中尉總.)


因此,麥克亞瑟將軍麥克亞瑟將軍和美國政府陰謀與戰爭罪犯、 大規模屠殺和歹徒來掩蓋罪行的裕仁裕仁和王室成員、 中金、 銀和其他資產已從掠奪亞洲各地的日本,並允許裕仁和王室家族逃脫的 1000 億美金的一大部分以大規模謀殺。


寶藏: 為什麼世界忘了強姦的南京、 日本的殘暴,& 的金百合."作為詳細在令人震驚的新電影,正在指揮和生產的著名新聞紀錄片電影製作,Rhawn Joseph 博士,日本裕仁天皇作出美國將軍道格拉斯 · 麥克亞瑟與美國政府為了保護日本皇室家族和數千名日本戰犯,以獲得的重大股權的秘密交易超過 1000 億美金的黃金、 珠寶和其他的商品,從中國、 韓國、 新加坡、 菲律賓、 和所有的亞洲偷了日本人。美國政府承諾裕仁他和皇家家庭的任何成員都不會站試用版或甚至受到了質疑,以及大部分的主要戰爭罪犯會獲准返回到電源在戰後日本,僅在幾年之後一些監獄。作為交易的一部分,日本還允許保留價值數十億美元的被盜贓物數萬。因此,儘管中國、 韓國和其他亞洲國家羡慕地看著,自己被盜的寶藏去重建日本和帳戶為日本的戰後"經濟奇跡"。約瑟夫博士的新影片的標題是:"裕仁 & 亞洲被盜國寶為什麼世界忘記了南京 & 日本暴行的強姦"。他也是強姦的導演的"南京"。在太平洋戰爭和二次世界大戰中,它是眾所周知日本士兵折磨、 砍頭、 刺刀殺死、 強姦、 放火,和殺害了數以百萬計的婦女、 兒童和包括中國、 英國、 荷蘭、 澳大利亞和美國的戰俘的老男人。隨著戰爭結束,美國國會、 政治領導人、 報紙、 和來自世界各地的人們都要求裕仁和整個皇室家族將作為戰犯審判。然而,在以後解放菲律賓了來自日本、 美國作出了一個驚人的發現。裕仁的弟弟,王子 Chibubu 的指導下,日本在金子在隧道和由日本工程師挖掘的洞穴埋了數十億美元。裕仁和皇家家庭 systmatically 洗劫了每個亞洲國家他們攻擊了。亞洲寶藏被隱藏在菲律賓的銀行,或坐在沉船在東京灣的底部。數十億更已被用來資助日本的戰爭機器,或秘密地存入數十名的大銀行,總部設在中立國家。然而,有一句諺語:"勝者為王去戰利品"維克托 · 作為美國認為題為分享戰爭的破壞。然而,使交易棍子,世界上數 1 戰爭罪犯,裕仁天皇被免除掉所有的責任。美國開始密謀與大規模屠殺、 戰爭罪犯和匪徒和來掩蓋他們的罪行。這是當務之急裕仁和所有負責任的王室成員從來沒有被起訴,永遠不用懷疑,和所有去免費。即使一般石井吩咐臭名昭著的單位 731 收到的免疫功能。石井與麥克亞瑟作私人交易。一般石井進行了可怕的醫學實驗,對無辜人民,韓國、 中國、 俄國、 美國和其他人注射非常可怕的疾病,然後夾層人活著,無需麻醉。桑德斯上校,根據 「 麥克亞瑟同意豁免所有 [單位 731] 的相關資訊。石井後來成為百萬富翁和日本的綠十字主任。
裕仁也能免費和永遠不會受到質疑。但是,在審判東條英機期間堅持他跟隨皇帝的訂單。當被問及東條英機。"做了你曾經做出的任何建議或採取任何行動反對皇帝的西港島線......"東條英機回答說:"不,我沒有。我們都不會敢違背皇帝的意志行事。其他檢察官立即開始要求苛刻的裕仁將立即被起訴和審判放置。欣欣和麥克亞瑟立即發送他們的代理,Ryukushi 田中發言與東條英機。東條英機頑固地拒絕更改他的證詞。"裕仁實現他在廁所的密封 Koichi Kido 與東條英機見面畜養人主序的危險。1 月 4 日,木戶和東條英機會晤。作為以後由田中透露:"城戶東條英機和談告訴他欣欣的意圖。城戶非常努力地說服他和東條英機的理解,不情願地同意。東條英機在法庭再次出現時,東條英機縮回改變了他的證詞,承擔了所有責任和免除裕仁的所有責任。因此,麥克亞瑟將軍和美國政府密謀與戰爭罪犯、 大規模屠殺和歹徒來掩蓋裕仁和皇室家族,換取大量的金、 銀和其他資產已從掠奪亞洲各地的日本,並允許裕仁和皇室家族逃脫大規模謀殺 1000 億美金的罪行。


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yes , they are .
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發表於 2014-1-16 21:03:11 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2014-1-16 21:05:08 | 顯示全部樓層
japan & US both no good
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發表於 2014-1-16 23:41:38 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2014-1-17 01:17:20 | 顯示全部樓層
日美只有利益, 冇道義
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