我說我話: 看過30.1後,當然輪到Monitor 40.1,可惜賣價超高,得個睇字 美國權威雜志之一Stereophile給予論語 "There are more sensitive speakers than the Harbeth M40.1, as there are speakers with more drama, or momentum, or bass weight, or overall sonic clarity. But I've never before had a speaker in my home that offered such generous measures of all of those qualities at once. Before my time with the Harbeth M40.1, I could think of exactly 13 loudspeakers, past and present, that I could picture myself owning and enjoying. Now there are 14",看看台人點評
如果您玩音響的資歷超過二十年,那麼Harbeth肯定是那些年我們一起追過的音響!在BBC LS 3/5A當中,Rogers名氣最大,數量也最多,另外兩個主要牌子則是Spendor與Harbeth,其中Spendor最便宜,我當年還陪著朋友一起去音響店搬了一對回來,大伙兒在宿舍裡玩得不亦樂乎。至於Harbeth,當年我們都是窮學生,靠家教錢過活,行有餘力買Spendor已經得吃泡麵度日了,雖然也很想多攢點錢買更貴的Harbeth,但是每次快要存夠的時候,卻多買了「波西米亞人」的CD,只好選便宜一點的Spendor。
用M40.1聽音樂,真的是聽什麼、像什麼,不過它依然有BBC鑑聽喇叭的特質,不猛爆、不粗野,總是溫和地呈現音樂的面貌,就算我聽Bryan Adams的「Waking up Neighborhood」這樣的搖滾樂,M40.1依然帶著溫和的面貌。如果您喜歡聽老搖滾,M40.1肯定很對味,但是如果您喜歡的是Heavy Metal,M40.1可能就不會那麼過癮了。