In this video, it covers more of a personal and in-depth
message to the world to raise awareness regarding the
senseless torture and slaughter of wolves and other wildlife,
and calls for the public worldwide to take action against
the senseless torture and killing of wildlife,
by organizing protest marches, rallies,
educational forums on wolves and their true nature
as gentle creatures and NOT man-eaters,
(as falsely portrayed by sadistic redneck hunters, trappers, and ranchers)...
And calls for a full-scale boycott of the hostile states and businesses
that condone ruthless acts of animal cruelty and brutal persecution
towards wildlife advocates, vegetarians/vegans, and non-conformists.
Not only this message video is to raise awareness,
but to encourage the public worldwide to go against the
outdated status quo of death and
destruction to the Great Spirit's majestic and sacred creations,
in an effort to establish a new civilization to co-exist in harmony
with the wild animal kingdom.