發表於 2013-11-5 02:41:06
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-11-5 05:33 編輯
柒喜 發表於 2013-11-5 00:58
買Hi-Fi總會停,吃囡係唔會停,況且1Q要駛千幾二千兼且不是新手,我唔中意,表面睇就KTV高幾班,其實即係 ...
Anyway men play is fine 老雞,快仔 same risk. I always see a poster says he always middle out on other section of this forum. Just play safe, never trust what they say...hehe..
KTV is more gf feel in a way and old chicks but prettier in general, a good one says what we like to hear and more service, hehe....you pay for the feels..I like to spend few hours first to develop the mood..haha.. I usually had good luck when I was young lol... Aren't we men lying to ourself..lol...just to feel better?
Quickie is give/take...more mechanical, take more effort to have feels..lol...way less money and fresher, but good looking or not more depends on luck..lol. |