Ngdarr 發表於 2013-11-3 01:35
Excuse my poor knowledge, may I know what exactly is a DAC? ? ? Is it a brand or is it some sort o ...
No need excuse please, we are all here to learn. DAC is Digital Audio Converter. It is the sole of transfering digital (1,0 or off and on) to analog (sound wave, we can hear). Hi quality DAC is the sound quality of your song in a way. Should check out the link from Mr. 7up on DAC above. Get a DAC which works with cell phones and USB is the beginning of good music. Some are not expensive at all ! Well, I am not a digital expert, Mr. 7up should know more..Anyway apple always expensive, not worth it...made by foxcom
補充內容 (2013-11-3 02:01):
"用$1188 去買這種級數的音色" No, too much money..