昨晚去左 HBT酒吧一帶,發覺有好多唔係無女就已摺理,抱住一絲希望去到91吧 唔係呀話、一入到去即刻想掉頭走!男多女少、媽咪睇穿左我嘅憂慮
同我講:no worry !follow me to go upstair to see the girls.上到二樓.好多女女
同啲ching打成一片 我坐左陣、妈咪帶左啲女上黎,都有7-8件.見到 mcot,即揀
之后同女女倾原来越南要20歲先可出黎做 咁咪即係好難有幼齒食
kakak 發表於 2013-10-30 22:09
Very good information, thanks a lot !
And for your information, now 49, 51 etc all closed. On that street only 91 is still open.
On another corner there is another one still opening, forget the name, which was damn crazy opening US$100 to me!!! Maybe I look like "water fish".....
devil未乖 發表於 2013-11-6 11:11
per your info,it seems only 1 bar we can choose girls,what a pity,is it due to "嚴打”recently? a ...
I guessed the others has been closed since the national day in Sep of Vietnam......
On that street now only has 91, but when turning around the corner there is another one opening, but those girls offered me unreasonable $$, $100 for ST only!!!!