發表於 2013-10-14 23:59:09
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-10-15 05:11 編輯
gooseling 發表於 2013-10-14 23:55 
回復 auraheart #74 的帖子
Marantz 3600 was quite a smooth and musical preamp ! Still made in US yet ...
I know 3600 very well, I carried the 3600 and 3800. It sounds dull, unopen. Seems harmed by neg. feedback.(was the prime time of excessive NFB) It was supposed to be the successor of the 3300. Honestly, it is was no 3300, hehe. Personal opinion only, no offense. We bought 100 of 3800 and 510M set, when they closed out, very cheap. (We sold both for $799 USD, still made money) As a solid state pre amp, I would rank the 3300 pre amp (never own one ) along with the 7T. Both great pre amps. 7T slightly noisier, but musical, like you said, hehe. 7T didn't match well with 500, but 7C was fine, my 2 cents. |