發表於 2013-10-13 11:30:59
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-10-13 11:38 編輯
gooseling 發表於 2013-10-13 11:28 
回復 auraheart #78 的帖子
Good ! Some of my friends collect lots of tubes ! They worth a fortune !
Now it is, not before, lol....I had a big fight with my wife (now Ex). She threw away most of my parts, tubes, big caps, transformers, etc., like garbage when I was not home. I had tons of parts. I got my Carts hidden well or else it would have been gone too. I would have had enough KT88 for the rest of my life if it did not happen lol...look at how much they cost now, my mono tube amps are dying, lol....just too much money to replace. |