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法拉利 458 Speciale 將於法蘭克福車展全球首發

發表於 2013-9-1 16:09:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


458 Speciale是法拉利基於創新研發尖端技術的最新成果,其在動力傳動系統、空氣動力學設計及車輛動態控制方面均超越了業已卓越非凡的458 Italia,故命名為Speciale,代表流線型跑車毫不妥協的設計新理念。
​458 Speciale採用了眾多高端解決方案,包括先進的主動空氣動力學科技,均首次應用於公路跑車,並將作為近階段所有新款法拉利車型的標准配置。
法拉利458系列中的458 Italia和458 Spider車型已屢獲殊榮,而此款搭載中後置V8發動機的458 Speciale雙門跑車旨在任何情況下實現流暢輕鬆的操控,同時將車輛性能和駕駛體驗提升至前所未有的高度。
法拉利在發動機領域傾注大量精力,並連續兩年榮膺國際年度發動機大獎中的“最佳性能發動機”稱號,現在又研造出有史以來動力最強的自然吸氣式V8(605 cv)發動機,升功率可達驚人的135 cv/l,這是公路版自然吸氣式發動機創下的最高紀錄。


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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-1 16:11:22 | 顯示全部樓層


得益於僅2.13 kg/cv的重量功率比,458 Speciale從靜止狀態加速至100 km/h僅需3.0秒(零至200 km/h加速隻需9.1秒),費奧拉諾賽道的單圈時間(Fiorano Lap Time)僅為1分23.5秒。

法拉利造型設計中心與賓尼法利納合作,遵循空氣動力學要求打造車身造型,確保其以性能為本的設計理念更勝以往。在這方面,最矚目的創新科技便是前后主動空氣動力學設計,可在平衡下壓力的情況下減小風阻,這令458 Speciale成為法拉利史上最佳空氣效率的公路跑車。

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-1 16:12:19 | 顯示全部樓層


458 Speciale 的車輛動態控制子系統具備提供自然的轉向過度管理和精確的指令反應,為駕駛者在高速狀態下提供足夠信心。作為該領域享有盛譽的領導者,法拉利採用最新技術將車輛動態控制子系統提升至全新高度。
458 Speciale的另一創新科技就是SSC側滑角控制系統,該系統可大幅提升車輛在極限狀態下的車身控制與駕駛感受。得益於全新的精確邏輯算法,SSC系統會在車輛發生側滑瞬時執行實時分析,將其與理想數值進行比較后,同時優化扭矩管理(借助F1-Trac牽引力控制)和兩輪之間的扭矩分配(借助E-Diff電子差速器)。
其它重要的開發成果包括專為該車型研發的米其林Pilot Sport Cup2輪胎,這項涉及廣泛的合作計劃涉及大量賽道測試和模擬練習。作為針對458 Speciale特別研發的輪胎,其在干燥路面上的單圈性能以及多圈耐久性能均有提升,同時還能令該車在濕滑路面上獲得最大的抓地力。

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-1 16:13:52 | 顯示全部樓層



上述技術不僅縮短了458 Speciale的單圈時間,更提升了其多圈測試的性能表現,令其達到量產跑車史無前例的絕佳性能水准。最終,458 Speciale擁有法拉利車型系列前所未有的最快響應時間(0.060秒)和最高側向加速度(1.33 g)。

458 Speciale將於今年9月在法蘭克福國際車展正式全球首發。

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-1 16:14:40 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for watching~
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發表於 2013-9-1 16:50:13 | 顯示全部樓層
bullet 發表於 2013-9-1 16:09
458 Speciale是法拉利基於創新研發尖端技術的最新成果,其在動力傳動系統、空氣動力學設計及車輛動態控制 ...

加速至100 km/h僅需3.0秒
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-1 16:52:19 | 顯示全部樓層
ck集團主席 發表於 2013-9-1 16:50
加速至100 km/h僅需3.0秒

講真, 禾都唔知喎~
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發表於 2013-9-1 20:08:45 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-9-1 20:12:17 | 顯示全部樓層
bullet 發表於 2013-9-1 16:12
458 Speciale 的車輛動態控制子系統具備提供自然的轉向過度管理和精確的指令反應,為駕駛者在高速狀態下 ...

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發表於 2013-9-1 20:39:36 | 顯示全部樓層

2014 The Ferrari 458 Speciale to debut at Frankfurt

以上影片乃youtube提供,與本站無關; 若無法觀看,可查看原網址

Maranello, 20th August 2013 -- The 458 Speciale is the latest product of Ferrari's core philosophy of extreme technological innovation and research which, in this instance, has yielded powertrain, aerodynamics and vehicle dynamics advances that transform the already exceptional 458 Italia into a car genuinely worthy of the "Speciale" moniker. The result is a completely new, uncompromising, streamlined sports car concept.

Many of the sophisticated solutions being applied for the very first time to an in-range car in the 458 Speciale, including its advanced active aerodynamics, will become a standard feature of all new Ferraris in the future.

Flanked in the Maranello marque's range by the multi-award-winning 458 Italia and 458 Spider, the new mid-rear-engined V8 berlinetta was designed to boost both performance and driving emotion to unprecedented levels, yet simultaneously guarantee smooth, effortless control in all kinds of situations.

Having lavished meticulous attention on the power unit that was named "Best Performance Engine" at the International Engine of the Year Awards for two consecutive years, Ferrari has now built its most powerful naturally aspirated V8 ever (605 cv) with an extraordinary specific power output of 135 cv/l , the highest ever achieved by a road-going naturally aspirated engine.

Thanks to an equally exceptional weight/power ratio of just 2.13 kg/cv, the 458 Speciale can sprint from 0 to 100 km/h in a mere 3.0 seconds (0-200 km/h in 9.1 seconds) and also clocked a lap time of just 1:23.5 at the Fiorano Circuit.

Aerodynamic requirements guided the work of the Ferrari Styling Centre, which led the project in cooperation with Pininfarina, to sculpt the car's forms to ensure they were more performance-oriented than ever. The most notable features in this sense are the front and rear movable aerodynamics which balance downforce and cut drag, thus helping make the 458 Speciale the most aerodynamically efficient range production car in Ferrari history (E Index of 1.5).

The technology used in the vehicle dynamics subsystems which gives the driver instant confidence and control at high speeds, natural power oversteer management and precise response to commands are further advances in an area in which Ferrari is already a well-established leader.

以上影片乃youtube提供,與本站無關; 若無法觀看,可查看原網址

One of the most innovative features of the 458 Speciale is the Side Slip angle Control system (SSC) which makes it easier to achieve car control on the limit, thereby greatly improving driving emotions. Thanks to the development of an accurate new algorithm SSC performs instant-to-instant analysis of the car's side slip, comparing it with the target value and then optimising both torque management (via integration with F1- Trac traction control) and torque distribution between the two wheels (via integration with the E-Diff electronic differential).

Part and parcel of the car's development included Michelin Pilot Sport Cup2 tyres which were specifically honed for it in an intensive collaboration programme involving, amongst other factors, numerous track test and simulator sessions. Conceived for the 458 Speciale, they boost performance over a single lap in the dry as well as improving performance consistency in subsequent laps. They also allow the car to avail of maximum available grip in the wet.

The above-mentioned technical content has improved the 458 Speciale's single lap time and also delivers repeatability of that performance on subsequent laps that is absolutely unprecedented for a car not designed exclusively for track use. The result is that the 458 Speciale has the fastest response time (0.060 s) and highest lateral acceleration (1.33 g) ever achieved by a car in the Prancing Horse range.

The 458 Speciale will receive its public world debut at the Frankfurt International Motor Show in September.



Type V8 -- 90°
Total displacement 4495 cm3
Max. power output 605 cv at 9000 rpm
Max. torque 540 Nm at 6000 rpm


Dry weight 1290 kg
Weight/power ratio 2.13 kg/cv


0-100 km/h 3.0 seconds
0 -- 200 km/h 9.1 seconds
Fiorano lap time 1:23.5

Emissions (ECE + EUDC combined cycle)

CO2 emissions** 275 g/km
**With HELE System
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發表於 2013-9-1 20:55:18 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-9-1 20:55:41 用手機發表 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-9-1 21:28:06 | 顯示全部樓層
ck集團主席 發表於 2013-9-1 16:50
加速至100 km/h僅需3.0秒

好像不是 Nissan GTR ( 0 - 100 km/h) 只 2.7 seconds!
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發表於 2013-9-1 21:34:18 | 顯示全部樓層
this car is hot except the stripes in the middle. i don't dig that!
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發表於 2013-9-1 21:36:33 | 顯示全部樓層
bullet 發表於 2013-9-1 16:13
上述技術不僅縮短了458 Speciale的單圈時間,更提升了其多圈測試的性能表現,令其達到量產跑車史無前例 ...

好有型 !!!!
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發表於 2013-9-1 21:37:18 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-9-1 21:43:29 | 顯示全部樓層
bullet 發表於 2013-9-1 16:11
得益於僅2.13 kg/cv的重量功率比,458 Speciale從靜止狀態加速至100 km/h僅需3.0秒(零至200 km/h加速隻 ...

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