I tried the girls from the above web site a few times. All the girls are Thai and the location of the Hotel is near PTWC in Kuala Lumpur. The real look of the girls is about 60% of the photo and the service is bad. There were not willing, no smile and at the end asking for tips. The reason I return after received bad service is hoping for better service the next time but was disappointed again and again. Therefore, I stop wasting my money there and go to spa/ health club to get a better service. Athough the cost is higher in spa/ health club, I got my money worth. I found the Viet and Thai girls in KL do not provide good service so the Local Malay or Mainlan Chinese girls are better alternative.
These girls are very pretty but the charged is too low. I think Thai girls can make better income in Bangkok Clubs and membership clubs with this quality.
This websites girls is totalla a disaster , super duper photoshop skin and face , the girls when meetup all endup is brown skin and fake boobs and the pricing is expensive plus not worth the price at all
All Wolf Brothers please take note !!! Spread the news