Muhammad Ali 出生於1942年1月17日。佢嘅金句"float like a butterfly and sting like a bee,"一直流傳後世,年僅22歳已經擊敗當年嘅拳王Sonny Liston,登上拳王寶坐。曾拒绝當兵而遭判入獄,佢嘅理由係﹕"Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go ten thousand miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights?" 阿里打敗佢嗰個年代最辣嘅拳手,包括Leon Spinks、 Larry Holmes、 Joe_Frazier、George Foreman等等。好不幸,喺1984年被証實患有柏金遜。
The fight between American boxer Muhammad Ali and Japanese professional wrestler Antonio Inoki was held at the Nippon Budokan arena in Tokyo on June 26, 1976. At the time, Ali had come off a knockout victory over Richard Dunn in May and was the reigning WBC/WBA Heavyweight Champion. Inoki, who had been taught the art of hooking and shooting by legendary wrestler Karl Gotch, was staging exhibition fights against champions of various martial arts, in an attempt to show that pro wrestling was the dominant fighting discipline. The fight itself, which was fought under special rules, is seen as a precursor to modern mixed martial arts. The result of the fight has been long debated by the press and fans.
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