Million thanks for the info, as a matter of fact after selling my toys I am using my old ONKYO AV receiver TX.... playing the old CDs and sometimes playing CAS with a cheap HD media player (not PC).
The ONKYO you suggested is a good choice and carrying them along on train is not a big problem.
I definitely have to audition this compo asap.
(apart from mini compo I have been looking for an old Quad amp 405, Accuphase E302?. amp and the like and a pair of smaller size speakers say celestion/B&W.....etc...etc..)
It depends . If you have AV receiver and CD player, all you need is a pair of speakers. You may not need the whole mini system. Is your AV receiver a middle level one or basic model (most basic model does not have enough power to drive decent speakers). If the mini system does not satisfy you sophisticated taste (quite possibly with regard to your previous high end gear) you may use the 10k to buy a decent pair of speakers and enjoy music, instead.
BTW, What are you going to do with the 50k from selling of your previous gear, take a girl to 美加, 澳紐?