那節奏感強烈流行樂呢?譬如「The Dali CD Vol.3」發燒測試片,最後兩軌是低頻節奏強烈的電子音樂,UE900所展現出的低頻Q彈有勁,如果您聽到的低頻不夠紮實反而覺得鬆散沒力,請先確認一下耳塞尺寸有沒有正確。不過要提醒的是UE900的低頻快速乾淨、節奏感明確,不是那種狂猛豐沛的性格,如果您期待的是那種「隆隆」不斷的低頻量感,UE900肯定不適合您!
I would not spend too much on in ear earphone. I use in-ear headphone only when I go out. I do not want those completely seal off from all the sound. It is very dangerous. With all the disturbance, I do not think the sound quality of in ear phones are that important. I will pay more for the full size headphone though.