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Bad experience in SGV

發表於 2013-5-5 10:55:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Travelled  to LA and stayed for a few days. Looked up the classified ad at both sing Tao and world journal. There were more than 50 of them at world journal. By contrast there are only 2 to 4 of them from where I come from. It was heaven !
First night. Tried the head line said  Shanghai girl. The place was nice and clean. The girl was look like from Shanghai. Her look and figure was o. K. Age around mid 30 but the service was rush.
Second night. Review the ads again. Found one the headline was w. lake Beauty.but what caught my eyes said professional trained,short term stay and of course beautiful and those baa baa ..... And the first two phase gave me illusion would get better service.Went there. It was an fat pork chop around late 30 to early 40. Inside the room she told me to pay first. I confronted she said it was the rule here.so i paid her 120 and then the service began. She gave me some powerless massage and in the middle of it she asked me. You want the full service later? I nodded my head.After a few seconds later I really mad at myself for so foolish and not response quick enough.WTF 120 should included it. Why you asked?
The service went on and I don't had any mood at all and she just used her hands to light touched my body and not intended to give me bj even the kissing nipple routine. To make it short I told her just give me a bj and left.During that time my mind was keep thinking I gonna asked to pay more later.
Third night saw the ad on SIngtao with same statement and same phone number just written in different
words but same meaning. Said trained in China this time.


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發表於 2013-5-5 11:01:37 | 顯示全部樓層
where you come from? Why you wasted your money on those chinese newspaper! You know chinese always cheat to chinese people. You should ask for help in here.
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-5-5 11:15:35 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 laboyae #2 的帖子

I am from mid west Milwaukee Wisconsin.  
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發表於 2013-5-5 12:29:05 | 顯示全部樓層
I assume you are back to Milaukee already, next time, you should post help before you go to LA.

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發表於 2013-5-6 00:16:43 | 顯示全部樓層
Alandavid bro,

Thanks for the report.. Sorry for your bad experience..  I guess most of us have "paid some tuition" when visiting new place..  Part of the adventure and fun in this hobby..

There are some good reports from other bros about LA in the forum...
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