He was my hero when I was about ten. It is nice to see this clip.
The guy was very famous around the 60s in USA and in HK. At the time, he won the Karate championship in Japan and he did not think himself was good enough. He then went into the forest to improve himself for at least 18 months. He then studied in a University in Japan and started following 船越義珍 the 松濤流 sect to learn. He became one of the chief instructors of the sect. He then went to USA to promote Karate and he was famous of bending a coin and chopped the bull's horn. He then went back to Japan and set up the 大山道館 which was the base for the International Alliance of Karate. Later, he started up the 極真會館. Those who know something of Karate would know that 極真流 is probably the sect with the best karate fighters. In their competition, there were practically no rules.
Eventually, the guy could not combat with lung cancers in 1994. He lost his life. Wouldn't we all will?
life 發表於 2013-4-30 09:09
He was my hero when I was about ten. It is nice to see this clip.
The guy was very famous around t ...
yup, they free-sparred in the old-fashined way, 下陰,要害外, 道道可打
after all, free-sparr is not "absoultely" free at all, still some rules bounded
If one checks forum abraod, it is ironic that foreign kung-fu practicers (literally 鬼佬) free-saprred with the only said limitations when some Hk guys keep BSing Blah Blah Blah.....