發表於 2013-4-20 15:13:45
本帖最後由 ironman75 於 2013-4-20 16:05 編輯
hchoy 發表於 2013-4-20 14:01
回應 ironman75 #35 的帖子
You do not hate Japs just because none of your family were harmed in WW2? ...
No , I do not hate japs.
Is stupid to hate japs. In war, the leader is to responsible for it. Why hate the japs?
U work in a company, u r the owner, u want it to process like this and it's compliance to do so, and one crooked guy who didn't follow and cause a life or big loss for the customer.
In a western way of multinational company this day, the CEO will apologize and will take action on the employee for not comply.
In an old traditional rich man own business, ignore it or pretend don't know or even scolded the customer and put fault in the customer.
Either way, u as one of he employee. U r to be hate by the customer. Fair? The customer wants to kill all of you, what do u think?
Now put it in after ww2. You hate jap. Well it's your choice. Again, I don't hate jap.
No apology. Tell me, did china government apology to any of the wrong doing? What so different between the leader in terms of apology ? I have never seen (may be unlucky for me), an official china government apologize in any matters.
Have you been to Japan? U see how their manner? Every single wrong thing they make mistake they apologize. U see how the follow the social regulations? Law abiding citizens.
No disrespect to regula chinese, I don't have that experience, but it has been improving.
Why should I hate japs? No I don't.
Like this articles and many other article that never appeal in china media or education Info......... Why is it so many people few offenssive automatically without even asking is it true? And straight away scolded the poster....... Imagine how deep the Chinese government education and media has influence the people thought.
Japanese has never given out so much fund to any countries then china.
May be u can go do one research ( I heard).... The amount of fund that is given by Japanese to the war time women who were rapes........ I don't know how much ....ww2 till now is more than 50 years...the amount of money been paid to these unfortunate women is getting more and more, but logistically the number of living should be reduced yearly( we are human, life comes to and end). The amount od fund I remember I read it somewhere, it's huge...and in 50 years..that's a substantiate amount. BUT every time when china media start telling this , they will put up photos of how pitiful the unfortunate women is living now...and every other media start bombarding Japan again and create more hatred toward japs.... .....l why no one ask about where has the money gone? Isn't this and action of apology? And who has taken the apology and hide it and not to tell the Chinese people, but instead keep the money, continue let the Chinese hate the japs, and every year when times come bring out the issue and get paid again.
Korea government also received such funding without telling the victims until pressure is too much and admitted that the fund was a deal between governments and the fund was use to fund Korea economic development. On the China part, u might want to do the research..... Every time is civilian raised up not the china government right? I guess its like the Korea government case. Some agreement has been made and fund has been paid but not to the victim, to who ? U might want to do that research... It is a apology action by the jap government.
Who is actually building the hates in u toward the japs?
Again, I don't hate japs. |
以前聽過李登輝這位前台灣總統所提出的分裂中國七國論時馬上氣得我七孔升煙,但現在隔了很多年以後我才明白他這位高人的遠見的確深謀遠慮!!我覺得分裂出來的台灣,香港與澳門,以及華人不少的新加坡與大馬,有那個不比大陸人來得幸福???中國國富民窮,官奸民女,污染排第一,男生付中介錢出國做牛馬,女孩寧要外國老人不愛大陸嫩阿燦.新生代被洗腦,動不動說中國乃比美國強,菲律賓與越南不服我叫二炮部隊給你吃核彈!!中國這種思想的八十年後井蛙滿街都是!!!!!中國人民真的強大了嗎???? 純中國人, 馬來西亞