樓主: lich13

分手前既回憶: 馬來西亞檳城 (Edited Jan 09)

發表於 2007-12-6 23:01:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 貓頭鷹 於 2007-12-6 22:34 發表
我同你哋交流多次,已經當你們是我的後輩,我後生的時候滾到飛起,一個星期換兩條女。唔沉唔甜蜜,太沉好辛苦,你對佢『痴心一片佢當你黐鳩撚線』你對佢『如珠如寳佢當你禾桿草』。最好就能夠學條魚,要浮的時候便浮,想沉的時候就 ...

我不常去玩的, 也只是在沒女友的時間才會去玩, 有女友我就不會去玩的, 除非我不喜歡她!
男人天性都喜歡女性的肉體 ( 指異性戀者 ), 我亦不會扮到很道德, 但也會很理性去enjoy女性的胴體
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貓頭鷹 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2007-12-6 23:24:39 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-12-6 23:27:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 貓頭鷹 於 2007-12-6 23:24 發表

Yes, 同意
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發表於 2007-12-7 05:50:37 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 貓頭鷹 於 2007-12-6 23:24 發表

you're so early..... what 7 you doing?

good morning!!
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發表於 2007-12-7 05:52:28 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2007-12-4 00:21 發表
Heros 內面既charecter "hiro"--

上次去到美國colledge party 俾d鬼妹勁 詰我似佢咁cute wor....個晚都俾條鬼妹係車度強姦左....

good morning ...... but i have to said good evening to you ,, cause i'm in UK....
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-7 06:10:18 | 顯示全部樓層
good evening. have finished your sinking report???

Btw, I feel interested with your fighting skill. Could I learn it from any amateur organisation or group?

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2007-12-7 06:17 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-12-7 11:24:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2007-12-7 06:10 發表
good evening. have finished your sinking report???

Btw, I feel interested with your fighting skill. Could I learn it from any amateur organisation or group?

thanks for your appreciate..... my story will go on when i back to hong kong...

and about the technical defense skill... i don't know where organisation can teach you...... but i have heard about...are you in toronto?

i think you can go to some military website to find out......

In fact , fighting skill,, just do the fast way to make the life gone theory.... I'm not very pound of it.....

If you got the huge ability,,,, then you must got a much responsibility....

because i can controlling the life and dead of other one...
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-7 13:14:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sinking 於 2007-12-7 11:24 發表

thanks for your appreciate..... my story will go on when i back to hong kong...

and about the technical defense skill... i don't know where organisation can teach you...... but i have heard about. ...

true, as a martial artists, I am looking for new skills to improve myself, yet knowing self-defence do not suggest i should bully anyone rite?

I started practicing becuz when I was a kid, I looked like a little gal and bullied by guys, dat's the reason for me to practice-- self-defence...

Btw, when she visited me @ Toronto, some black dudes reli wanted to touch her, fortunately my skills was component to stop further damages...... Haha, it was my 1st time to look like a hero in her eyes...
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Winnerforever13 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2007-12-7 14:36:35 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-7 15:46:40 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Winnerforever13 於 2007-12-7 14:36 發表

Good man!

Chinese men are strong!  Every Chinese should practice martial arts!

indeed dat incident was exgerrated and now so many CBS begging a FOB like me to teach 'em Wu-Shu   I also have a nick name called "Jacky"(Chan) in my college rite now  

I am not a racist yet sometimes I feel so good to fight back those black dudes legitimately, i.e. self-defense
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發表於 2007-12-10 06:15:18 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2007-12-7 13:14 發表

true, as a martial artists, I am looking for new skills to improve myself, yet knowing self-defence do not suggest i should bully anyone rite?

I started practicing becuz when I was a kid, I looked  ...

you need more practice!!! and remember i tell you in here,,,

"kill (hit) your enemy before he move,, the steel body is a dead body!!!"

that is my instructor teach me in army... when we're having the operation in field... nobody can help you,, this is the good way when you're face to enemy alone.....
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-10 09:21:18 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sinking 於 2007-12-10 06:15 發表

you need more practice!!! and remember i tell you in here,,,

"kill (hit) your enemy before he move,, the steel body is a dead body!!!"

that is my instructor teach me in army... when we're having  ...

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發表於 2007-12-14 01:26:44 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for your sharing bro. i'm sure you are more mature than many people of your age.

where did you learn Ba Ji Quan btw??
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-15 11:09:06 | 顯示全部樓層
nah, i'm not mature..... i'm very childish if u know me better like othe rbros.. hehe

BA Ji Quan is an intermediate level of Chinese marial arts.. so if u've not touched any Chinese Martial Arts b4.. I do not recommend u learn it immediately... since u may not fully ultilise the skill ....

Btw, i learnt it @ HK and I'm learning rite now .......
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發表於 2007-12-16 00:45:28 | 顯示全部樓層
i see. cool~
honestly, i'm more interested in your martial arts experience (ie. your beaten up those black guys) than the XXX sharing

i'm learning karate and tai ji quan at the moment.. just beginner
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-16 02:08:03 | 顯示全部樓層
Are u referring me experience in Malaysia or that in Toronto?Well, I 'm not a good martial artist at all. I would say I do not have neither shame nor pride on my skill.....

I reli regret the former one since I was so  stupid--- the ulitimate goal of marital arts is (武術) is Art of "止戈" , i.e. art if defence.... One should not abuse one's skll to do damages to hurt other people......

Regarding the latter one, I am still a bit scared since those black and white dudes might have some powerful friends. Indeed, I did not beat 'em up, I simply conuter-attacked....... Like what I said in another thread, it is very often to see some conclift and fight in Bars,  right?
I guese the incident was exagerrated since Chinese guy @ Toronto are usally peaceful and sort of timid----- I might be one of the very few to break that pattern........

Also, I'm not racist since personality is not based on one's racial background. Indeed, in the real life, I do have quite a lot of friends other than Chinese. Yet, definitely, most of my best friends are Chinese for sure.

Regarding Karate, its kicking skill (esp. side-kick) is one of the most practical and powerful skill. So side-kick is a must for every martial artisit. BTW, which school of Karate are u practicing rite now? 剛柔流? 極真流? 罡心流? 琉球唐手流?

Regarding Tai Chi, indeed Bai Chi Quan is the basics ( not the level, it is just the way to practice...) for Tai Chi....
Tai Chi indeed is a one of the most powerful fighting skills-- since the asset is its speed, balance- emphasis technique,  blocking.....
However, like other higher forms of Wu Shu, Tai Chi is one of the most  sophiscated matial arts----- i.e. one needs to trick it as some advanced Physics or similar knowledge.

Also, one needs more patience to pratice Wu Shu compared to Karate-- since Chinese Matial Arts emphasizes on substantial practice. Also, since Wu Shu is very sophisicated, one can be frustrated with it easier. Also, there are more fancy skills for performance (i.e so called 花拳XX) inWu Shu---- the way intended to avoid some fool to abuse.     Indeed, those fancy skills are very common in any ancient fighting skills, including Karate, Taekwondo, Brazlian Capote...... The aim is to prevent from any abuse....

Hummm, are u practicing Tai Chi for health purpose or fighting? If it is for health purpose, dat's fine. If it is for fighting purpose, I guess your school combines some basic level (e.g. Bai Chi...) into Tai Chi...... Dont' get me worng--- Tai Chi and Bai Chi are independent skills. Yet for some traditional school, Tai Chi is always one of the advacned level.......

Anyway, just like any form of knowledge, ones needs patience for susbstantial growth. Btw, there is no the most powerful martial art at all---it always depends on how one uses it.

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2007-12-16 03:34 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-12-16 10:42:02 | 顯示全部樓層
wow thanks for your sharing on Martial arts (MA).
i'm not good at it by any means. but i'm just interested because of 武俠小說 and Bruce Lee.. :)

To my understanding, Ba Ji is a very 剛猛 kind of Wu Shu. Their use of ankle and shoulder is definitely powerful, if not devastating ~~ I did a bit of research on the internet... and also from the comic of 拳兒 :))
I'm guessing you must have heard 李書文, the legendary Ba Ji Master?

I'm learning 剛柔流 karate. was green belt 10 years ago but now down to a beginner since i hadn't practice for ages... my 筋 are quite tight now ((((

Yes i agree that Wu Shu takes more time to master. they have a lot of skills compared to other MA like karate. A lot of MA emphasizes on the ultimate training on basic 'body weapons'--- kick, ankle, knee, punch, wrestling...etc (i'm not saying they're bad though)
But Wu Shu has more sophisticated skills...i.e in Tai Chi 掤, 履, 擠, 按 . which, like you said, takes more time to practice since it requires a lot of substantial balance. and, they're useful when you know how and when to use them. For other MA, most people prefer simple but powerful attacks as they're more straight forward. So, every MA, or to be exact, everyone has it's own preference on how to use their body in a fight.

I learn Yeung style Tai Chi for a 'healthier body'... there's another famous style which is the Chen Style.. it's more 剛猛.. a really cool one. and it's completely different from people's general idea of Tai Chi. For other styles like Suen, Wu... i'm not too familiar with them so can't comment.

But afterall, Tai Chi Quan is a kind of 拳 so there's always theory of fighting/技擊 in it.
I have only learned it for 8 months but some of the 借力技巧 are very useful.

finally, i never engaged in a fighting scenario, so i don't have any real experience. just practicing to protect myself.
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發表於 2007-12-18 03:05:17 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for the story.  Good lucy to you.
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-18 04:53:32 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 LAguy 於 2007-12-18 03:05 發表
Thanks for the story.  Good lucy to you.


i have the second part indeed....

yet our mind-set change a lot from dat thread...
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發表於 2007-12-19 17:25:07 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2007-12-18 04:53 發表


i have the second part indeed....

yet our mind-set change a lot from dat thread...

hi lich13,,, it long time no see,,,, how you doing man??

did you go to china thread to see our report and our activity....

most of the brother are very good,, brother fasum set up a welcome party for me when i come back to hk...
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