發表於 2013-3-30 18:38:26
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juneway 發表於 2013-3-16 02:59
隨著科學、 理性主義的昌盛,許多人印像中,基督教會的力量正日漸式微。1960年代,搖滾天團「披頭四」紅得 ...
You don't have to look far. Just look in China.
In a society where money is first and human right last, there are surprising increase in numbers of Christians.
My children's school's principle, a white man, goes into China every few months to assists schools there associated with Christian organisations.
I visited a church in China, next to a major university. There were hundreds of university students eager to listen to the gospels, and it is no longer suppressed like before.
The rate of people who become Christian in China is far greater than a Christian western society, where there are no oppression yet not many new believers.
Would this change China in the short term? Probably not. But 2-3 generations later, who knows?
My ancestors were living in China coastal cities where early western mission enter China, in the Hudson Taylor era. The influence of Christianity in those cities are long lasting even till today. |