自從2000年波爾多葡萄採收後所有的酒雜誌都曾以大篇幅的方式讚揚這一年波爾多酒,有人說這是Wine of the Century(百年之酒),有人說 這是上天對波爾多的恩賜,讓幾乎所有酒莊都生產出高質量的酒。但是大部分的酒評也提到,好的2000年波爾多酒最少要等到2008年以後才適合飲用,而且有的無比的陳年空間,所以酒的單寧可能要多花很多年才會柔化。
I would suggest to add 1945, 1947, 1959 (the Lafite and Margaux I tried were much better than their 1961s), 1986, 1989, 1990, 1998(Right Banks) and 2010. They are all exceptional vintages of Bordeaux Red wines!
great years are always exciting. But it always takes a long time for a fine wine to mature. Sometime normal vintages will be more price friendly, as well as more approachable.
Good if you can afford to buy a vintage grand cru class bordeaux to drink. But for daily drinking ( I drink 2-3 bottles of wine a week) non-vintage grand cru bordeaux is a good deal. Cantemerle, Beychevelle and of course Pichon Lalands over 13 years old are good and affordable.
Thanks for informative report anyway. Well written.