頭盔距離眼眉約一至兩隻手指位,唔應該向後或向後傾,如果有小小虛位,可以係入面加 pad 穩固位置
美國 Consumer Reports 發表過一個小童頭盔測試報告,對青年 (Youth) 及小童 (Toddler) 頭盔進行撞擊的承受能力 (Impact absorption)、頭盔帶的游刃力 (Retention system)、是否容易鬆脫 (Resistance to roll-off) 等等作出測試:
Impact absorption
How well a helmet can absorb the forces, thus reducing the deceleration experienced by a head, during an impact. Based on helmet performance in laboratory impact tests at various impact speeds and impact surfaces under several conditions.
Retention system
How well the retention system resists stretching, slippage or breakage when a sudden load is applied to the straps, such as what could occur during an accident.
Resistance to roll-off
Our judgment of how well a properly fitted helmet resists front to back and side to side movement to ensure that the helmet stays in place for the best protection.
[青年頭盔] Bell Trigger helmet (US$35) 總得分:65
在 Retention System, Ease of Use 及 Resistance to Roll-off 三項都得到 Excellent 的評級,但 Impact Absorption 只得到 Good