一如往常,獨立製錶品牌MB&F選在年底宣布最新作品「HM5 On the Road Again」,一貫強烈設計感、不對稱造型讓人立馬想研究這次又為消費者帶來什麼樣的驚世駭俗之作。全新的「HM5 On the Road Again」是品牌創辦人Maximilian Büsser以1970年代一枚名為Amida Digitrend的腕錶為發想、結合當代汽車工藝設計,打造出充滿未來感的腕錶作品。
回到1970年代,更精準來說是1972那一年,在當時的時空背景下著相當多未來感十足的錶款一一浮現,其中某個名為Amida的製錶品牌不甘屈於石英錶之下、特別推出一枚名為Digitrend的腕錶,搭載機械機芯、卻是以模擬LED的顯示面盤方式呈現。而這項相當創意的發想與結合,變成了這次Maximilian Büsser全新「HM5 On the Road Again」的靈感來源,向這枚獨特的作品致上最高敬意。
復刻Amida Digitrend這枚作品的錶殼外型,MB&F所打造的全新「HM5 On the Road Again」擁有前衛出色的楔型錶殼,此外加入賽車元素、將當時跑車經典的後百葉窗設計加入其中;然而,跑車上的後百葉窗是為了遮光,但在HM5上可是為了讓光線進入、讓光線可以照射到塗有Super-LumiNova螢光塗料的時分數字時標上。此外,HM5的後百葉窗更可透過錶側的滑動裝置決定進光強弱、影響數字時標的明亮度。
MB&F全新的「HM5 On the Road Again」,鋯金屬外層、不銹鋼防水內層錶殼,搭載由Chronode製錶工坊的Jean-François Mojon與Vincent Boucard所研發之3D立體機芯,動力儲存達42小時,透過錶背可欣賞22K金戰斧形自動盤。防水30米,搭配鏤空橡膠錶帶,鈦金屬錶扣,限量66只,建議售價未定。
HM5 is the 5th model in the Horological Machine family comes about two years after the release of the MB&F HM4, and is actually the high-end boutique watch brand's most affordable watch ever. Max Busser of MB&F continues to assert his youth and the inspiration that formed his tastes in a watch that is not only motivated by an era, but also directly inspired by some of its most iconic creations. This model has definitely exerted a revolutionary impact on the technological design of watches, opening a new horizon for the Swiss watch-making industry !