Peter Lehmann是Barossa Valley內較新的酒莊(於1979年成立),不過因近年來在國際酒展中,屢獲極高的評價,使該酒莊的知名度大增。以白酒Eden Valley Riesling為例,就被評為世上最好的Riesling,屢屢在倫敦the International Wine & Spirit Competition中獲獎;而Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon適飲期為8年,一開瓶即聞到濃鬱渾厚果香,整體表現層次感豐富,也是許多愛酒人士的首選。因為台灣紅酒選擇較多,所以我自己買了他們的Eden Valley Riesling跟Semillon兩瓶白酒,味道順喉且帶著淡淡清香,得獎果然實至名歸。
The Barossa Valley is a major wine-producing region and tourist destination of South Australia, located 60 km northeast of Adelaide. It is the valley formed by the North Para River, and the Barossa Valley Way is the main road through the valley, connecting the main towns on the valley floor of Nuriootpa, Tanunda, Rowland Flat and Lyndoch.
The Barossa Valley derives its name from the Barossa Ranges, which were named by Colonel William Light in 1837. Light chose the name in memory of the British victory over the French in the Battle of Barrosa, in which he fought in 1811. The name "Barossa" was registered in error, due to a clerical error in transcribing the name "Barrosa". The area is approximately 13 km long by 14 km wide. Penfolds Wine and Food Tasting
Penfolds is an Australian wine producer, founded in 1844 by Christopher Rawson Penfold, an English physician who emigrated to Australia, and his wife, Mary Penfold. It is one of Australia's oldest wineries and a company brand with an extensive product range.
Christopher Penfold was a believer in the medicinal benefits of wine and, before emigrating to Australia, he obtained some vine cuttings from southern France. Arriving in Australia from Angmering in Sussex, he set up in practice at Magill on the eastern outskirts of Adelaide, South Australia and planted vines around his stone cottage which he called "The Grange" after his wife, Mary's, former home. Initially, Penfold produced fortified wines for his patients in the style of sherry and port. As demand for the wines increased, the winery was expanded.
In 1976 control of Penfolds passed to Tooth and Co., a brewer based in New South Wales and then, in 1982, to the Adelaide Steamship Company. In 1990, SA Brewing purchased Adelaide Steamship's wineries. SA Brewing then separated into three entities: the brewing assets retained the S.A. Brewing name, the wine assets were named Southcorp wines and the whitegoods and other manufacturing interests became Southcorp, an Australian conglomerate. Since 2005, Southcorp wines have become part of the Foster's Group. Penfolds currently operates two wineries; Magill at the base of Adelaide's eastern foothills and Nuriootpa in the Barossa Valley. Despite the fact that the Adelaide area has been deemed a "super zone" by the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation, the Magill Estate is one of two operating wineries in the Adelaide metropolitan area, the other being Patritti at Dover Gardens.
In 2011, Fosters Group shareholders voted to demerge the wine operations from the brewing operations into two separate companies. Treasury Wine Estates, headquartered in Melbourne and listed on the ASX, began operating in May 2011. Peter Lehmann Wines
Peter Lehmann Wines Founded in 1979, Peter Lehmann Wines produces around 600,000 cases annually with distribution to Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and many other countries. In late 2003 it became the subject of a heated bidding war between UK-based Allied Domecq and Swiss based Hess Group. Allied Domecq had acquired 14.5% of Peter Lehmann Wines when it first submitted a takeover bid on 22 September. Peter Lehmann and the board of directors countered by recommending sale to the Hess Group instead. Hess matched the Allied Domecq offer and purchased the company for shareholder of $103 million USD.