美國中大型休旅車級距的〝老字號〞CHRYSLER Town & Country,自1990年問世至今已邁入第五代車型,多年來相當受到美國消費者歡迎,可說是全球休旅車款的濫觴;隨著2012洛杉磯車展將在11月底開幕,CHRYSLER也預告將發表Town & Country S車型,將諸多動感套件穿戴上身,更具吸睛效果。
Town & Country S加身的套件以300S為基礎,提供白、紅、銀、黑四種車色予消費者選擇,由原廠搶先釋出的則是以一身漆黑外衣現於人前,外觀造型除了大量鍍鉻飾件,在車頭水箱罩部分改採黑色電鍍塗裝,搭配燻黑頭燈組、17吋拋光鋁合金輪圈,不僅展現出低調奢華的獨特氣質,也添加了幾分運動氛圍。
進入座艙,CHRYSLER也提供了更具豪華質感的內裝鋪陳,以黑色為基調設計的車室,皮革與織布相間的座椅椅面還繡上了〝S〞字樣,彰顯出Town & Country S車型的獨特所在,原廠還配備了附有藍光DVD、HDMI輸入、USB連結的後座娛樂系統,提升乘車娛樂性。
至於在動力方面,Town & Country S依舊搭載與標準車型相同的3.6L Pentastar V6引擎,可輸出283hp的最大馬力,搭配6速自排變速系統,但是換上運動化懸吊系統,無論在操駕體驗或乘坐表現上都更加直接且饒富樂趣。不過據了解,FIAT與CHRYSLER集團雙料執行長Sergio Marchionne先前曾經透露,為了將集團各個品牌旗下產品予以整合,可能會在2014年時停產現行Town & Country,保留其雙生車款DODGE Grand Caravan,並且藉由更多別具特色的新車款,讓CHRYSLER集團在汽車市場持續發光。
The 2012 Chrysler Town and Country and Dodge Grand Caravan are 2 of the best minivans under $30,000. How else are you going to carry around 7 passengers? Yes minivans may have a negative stigma but in all reality they fulfill a need and a purpose for many drivers out there. And Chrysler is maybe the first company to launch a mainstream minivan here in the U.S. Fast forward almost 30 years later and the 2012 Chrysler Town and Country minivan is still an innovator. In fact something that is unique to Chrysler and Dodge is the "stow and go" seating feature which allows you to hide the seats into the floorboard to increase cargo room.
The 2012 Chrysler Town and Country retails for $29,995 and comes with a 3.6 liter V-6 engine that produces 283 horsepower and 260 lb-ft. of torque. Fuel economy for the Chrysler Town and Country is 17 MPG in the city and 25 MPG on the highway.