Alecia Beth Moore藝名Pink在全美音樂獎America Music Award頒獎典禮内表演,这首蕴藏着充满侵略性的摇滚元素歌《再試一次》Try表達了一種在充满謊言和欺骗的爱情里,即使偏体凌傷,也要尝試勇敢的爱下去激情。這可真是爱的死去活來!这完全華丽丽的柔韧现代舞有好幾個高难度的舞蹈動作,受過八年体橾訓练的Pink舞動她那塗满彩粉的肢体與猛男的肉搏,讓整個視频充满了强烈的視覺冲击感。我第一次就看懂舞蹈所表達的意義,纠缠、纠结、挣扎、挣脱......這才是灵與肉的结合啊!
Ever wonder about what he's doing 曾今想知道他在做什么
How it all turned to lies这一切是如何变成谎言
Sometimes I think that it's better to never ask why 有时我觉得不问为什么反而最好
Where there is desire,there is gonna be a flame,哪里有(爱的)欲望,哪里就会有(爱的)火焰
Where there is a flame,someone's bound to get burned,哪里有(爱的)火焰,哪里就有人爱火缠身
But just because it burns,doesn't mean you're gonna die, 但烧的遍体鳞伤并不意味着死去
You gotta get up,and try, try, try,你得勇敢的尝试,尝试,
You gotta get up,and try, try, try.
Eh, eh, eh
Funny how the heart can be deceiving可笑的是人心会欺骗
More than just a couple times 不是一次两次
Why do we fall in love so easy Even when it's not right即使是个错误我们却又如此轻易的相爱
Where there is desire,there is gonna be a flame, 哪里有(爱的)欲望,哪里就会有(爱的)火焰
Where there is a flame,someone's bound to get burned,哪里有(爱的)火焰,哪里就有人爱火缠身
But just because it burns,doesn't mean you're gonna die, 烧的遍体鳞伤并不意味着死去
You gotta get up,and try, try, try,你得勇敢的尝试,尝试,
You gotta get up,and try, try, try.
Ever worried that it might be ruined 曾经担心我们的爱会分崩离析
And does it make you wanna cry? 这会使你伤心而哭吗
When you're out there doing what you're doing 你在那里继续做你做的事
Are you just getting by? 你缓过劲了
Tell me are you just getting by by by你已经缓过了
For your background knowledge, "Try" is a song recorded by American singer songwriter Pink, released as the second single from her sixth studio album The Truth About Love (2012). The song is a pop rock ballad, about taking risks with love, no matter the consequences. It received mostly positive reviews from music critics, and commercially, the song was a success, reaching the top-ten in most countries.
This amazing video features shots of paint-covered Pink and her male counterpart, expressing their frustrations through dramatic dance moves, which deserves applaud and appreciation.