李志延對葡萄酒的喜愛始於牛津。李志延對葡萄酒的喜愛始於牛津,她在那裏進修了一年,作為整個學位的一部分。她記得上菜的時候由“兩三款幹紅,或許是一款白葡萄酒作為開始”。這挑起了她的興趣,她開始探索法國葡萄酒和義大利葡萄酒,然後,當她回到紐約,就參加了當時佔據世貿中心頂樓兩層的“全球葡萄酒之窗學院”(Windows on the World Wine School)。自隨丈夫移居香港後——他們在葡萄酒學院結識,她繼續潛心鑽研,目前她在總部設在英國的葡萄酒與烈酒教育信託基金會(Wine &Spirits Education Trust)從事研究。當時,香港的葡萄酒稅非常高,當地也沒有太多的葡萄酒文化(2008年2月相關稅率被削減至零,香港由此變身為亞洲的葡萄酒之都)。作為一位美食與品酒作家,李志廷不遺餘力地為她遇到的每一款葡萄酒進行詳盡的品鑒記錄。到2005年,她認為自己做好了參加令人望而生畏的葡萄酒大師(Master of Wine)考試的準備。這是一場為期4天的測試,包括四張理論試卷和一場苛刻的盲品突擊考試,在雪梨、倫敦和納帕山谷每年舉行一次。“我想,這只是一場葡萄酒考試,能有多難?”她回憶道。像大多數新手一樣,她輸了。第二個回合是在2008年,她勝出了。
她的方法是推薦與現有風味保持一致的葡萄酒。“我絕不會在中國北方推薦甜味葡萄酒,儘管理論上説,它和食物相處融洽,因為從文化角度説,甜味不在當地飲食品味之列”她説。但在泰國,典型的菜式可能包括椰子、新鮮水果或甜茶,她會放心地推薦中甜度葡萄酒。對於泰國菜來説,她的秘笈是微甜的雷司令(Riesling),一款氣味芬芳的阿爾薩斯格烏茲塔明那(Alsace Gew徂rztraminer)和奧地利的綠維特利納。 同理,對於通常在熱火朝天的辣椒油中翻騰的辛辣的四川食物,她所受的訓練告訴她,紅葡萄酒中的單寧會和辛香産生衝突,並鋪張開來。“你會考慮用白葡萄酒來緩和一下。但很多亞洲人希望長久回味這一口感。所以希望保持辛辣口味的人會很自然地選擇紅葡萄酒。”無論白葡萄酒還是紅葡萄酒,她對川菜配酒的建議是某些極富個性色彩但不太昂貴的品種,因為葡萄在與辣椒的對壘中總是敗下陣來。
It is no easy task to become a Master of Wine. It takes years of training, and to pass the required exams, especially when coming from a very male dominated society, in what could also be regarded as a very male dominated domain, is truly quite an accomplishment.
But that is exactly what Ms. Jeannie Cho Lee, an ambitious, successful, and truly outstanding lady, managed to do.
Born in South Korea and currently living in vibrant Hong Kong, Ms. Cho Lee, who spent Junior Year at Oxford University before getting a Bachelor of Arts from Smith College, and then a Master's Degree from Harvard, became the very first Asian Master of Wine in 2008.
But, Ms. Cho Lee is much more than a Master of Wine. She is an award-winning author, just about to finish her third book, with ideas for the fourth already firmly in place.
Her first book, Asian Palate, won the Gourmand Award for Best Food and Wine Pairing Book in the World. It was also short-listed as one of just four books in the world considered for the UK's prestigious Andre Simon Award.
She is a Consultant for Singapore Airlines, frequently voted as the Best Airline in the World, and it is Ms. Cho Lee, along with the few other Consultants the airline very careful selects, that choose which wines SIA will carry on board all its flights.
Ms. Cho Lee is also a Member of Commanderie de Bordeaux, Confrerie des Chevaliers du Tastevin and L'Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne.
She is a highly sought after wine judge, an educator, a journalist and of course a speaker.
In this HD video interview, which took place at the World Gourmet Festival 2012 at the Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok, we ask Ms. Cho Lee about becoming a Wine Master, how wine goes with the often delicate flavours of Asian cuisine, what "New Latitude" wines are all about and what wines, such as those made in Thailand, need to do to compete with not only established wines from France and Italy etc., but also "New World" wines from the Americas, Australia etc.
We ask how one should go about choosing a wine, how important is Appellation Controlee, and is it important whether a wine is from Negociants, or sold directly by the Chateau.
You will also discover which three Champagne Ms. Cho Lee loves the most if money were of no concern, and much, much more. 這是不容易的任務,成為葡萄酒大師。這需要多年的訓練,並通過必要的考試,特別是來自一個男性主導的社會,也可以被看作是一個男性佔主導地位的域,確實是一項了不起的成就。
曹女士李某也Commanderie波爾多,Confrerie DES俠士都Tastevin的勳章Coteaux de Champagne酒店的會員。