係外國好多大城市都有完善配套提供比使單車作交通工具的市民,同時偷車賊亦會係呢 d 地方活躍,車頭車尾燈係主要被盜物件之一。美國一位 Industrial Design Consultant - Benjamin Cohen,就曾經被偷咗最少八個車尾燈,他憤憤不平找到兩位工程師 Stuart Heys 及 Mark Sibenac 合作開發咗一款絕對唔容易被偷,由鋁合金製造的 Blink/Steady 車尾燈(售價 US$95.00)!
You wouldn't put a US$95 tail light on a cheap bike, right?
If a bike deserve this light I would seriously consider keeping the whole bike in a safe place and out of sight of prying eyes.
Life is like toilet paper, you either on a roll or you are taking crap from some assholes