這間名為The Local by Oamthong的餐廳,單是環境已予人相當好感,餐廳由一座有70年歷史的老房子改建而成。難得的是,除保留了老房子原有的格局外,店主更在走廊擺放了不少古董家具,櫃子內則整齊地展示了古老的泰國食譜,散發着小型博物館般的味道。食物方面,餐廳特別採用泰國各地食材,將傳統地道泰菜味道重現,不少更是古老菜式,如其中的健康酸辣湯,本身就是一道藥膳,大量的香草及紫蘇葉,可以紓緩氣管不適,對治療傷風有相當功效,據聞就連泰皇Rama五世都愛享用。另外,單看賣相已充滿泰式風情的炸魚塊,以鱸魚肉混合多種香料炮製,再以蔬菜包裹進食,地道香料味道突出,但卻不會搶去食材本身的鮮味,加上蔬菜更覺清新。配合餐廳古老大屋的風情,又多添一份住家滋味。
This is the CEF five restaurants Thailand and Premium is in town to eat it because it's actually a restaurant in Thailand is intended to actually be good to be true, it is not likely to be allergic to any food. in this world, but two things that I previously would have Patara - Fine Thai Cuisine is a very very impressed with Bo.lan - Essentially Thai food much less impressive. It is orchestrated by (The next goal is to go next week, it's a store that has recently been selected as a Top 50 Restaurant in The Wolrd from the one with Nahm @ Metropolitan Hotel on) the store to review today, in fact it is a store. ancient Open a decades old but with Oamthong @ Sukhumvit 33 about a year ago. The restaurant lost its lease. I moved to a new store on Sukhumvit 23 and the name was changed to The Local by Oamthong Thai Cuisine is a restaurant called The Local is a food shop will focus on the Ah or to Thailand traditional fishing traditional curry folk over food Thailand. In the current market. The Local - Andaman stewed egg
The Local by Oamthong of the store is also home to two large teak plantation after being converted into a restaurant perfectly. It is a classic in Thailand, but also elegant nobility, the same things I generally table in either table simple for consumers, a private middle (can serve up to 10-15 people) again. about 5 rooms and a large private client support is a 100 people, one room, include client like atmosphere Outdoor stores also offers multi-zone, where the majority of customers in Japan and I will sit in the zone outdoor I now have. I walk around the beautifully decorated and furnished to a Zap the shop (the house) is decorated with the old and put it in Thailand, almost all the way, then it would look good. Thailand at the restaurant decor was fine actually.