浸浴又有如按摩,慢慢用柔力洗刷,feel good good。笑容常掛面,最可惜是她唔識英文,少溝通。body時又係好溫柔,唔係hea做。
基本tank girl都有一定的服務水平,相頭唔會差囉,如19及21也是幾好。
Side girl 都試過幾次,但我都係enjoy洗浴過程,可能年紀大。
100%...We are going to Natree for the SOFTWARE...if I want the hardware, I stay at the hotel next to it and hit airplane.
Once it has a new and nice hardware, you will NEVER see 2600 side line quality anymore, it will be 3600 side line plus.
Sheep hair came from the sheep body....our hair came from our little bother body...LOL