Crystal Gayle 1975年個人初出道嘅歌曲, 至1978年以同名 " WHEN I DREAM " 大碟之主打歌曲,
1982年成為 RIAA 白金唱片 WHEN I DREAM I could build a mansion that is higher than the trees
I could have all the gifts I want and never ask please
I could fly to Paris, it's at my beck and call
Why do I live my life alone with nothing at all?
But when I dream, I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true...
I can be the singer or the clown in every room
I can call up someone to take me to the moon
I can put my makeup on and drive the men insane
I can go to bed alone and never know his name
But when I dream, I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true...
一段飛行旅程, 一段惺惺相惜嘅閑聊, 一個夢與一個英國最好嘅爵士女歌手, 為千萬
嘅人去完成一個新希望。旦願 "When I Dream" 係一首能為你, 我與仼何人去實現
夢想嘅歌曲。進入21世紀嘅今天, 你是否也有一段由夢境而成為一個故事呢? CAROL KIDD - Scottish Jazz Singer 1940 - 2011 1999年
受菲利浦摩里斯集團 (The Philip Morris Group of Companies) 邀請, 於該集團
在新加坡舉辦之千禧年盛會 ”An Evening With The Stars” 中演出及演唱該會
主題曲, 並將出版一限量專輯
韓國電影〝Swiri" , 選擇 Carol Kidd 專輯〝When I Dream〞做為背景音樂,
查理斯王子於白金漢宮頒發MBE勳章, 表彰她對爵士音樂的貢獻
於溫莎堡受英女皇與菲腊親王接見, 並親自表揚。
貝魯特人質Terry Waite 要請 Carol Kidd〝When I Dream〞這首曲, 做為紀念專輯中
的一首歌曲, 並於英國國家廣播電台(BBC)中播出
英國唱片協會推薦 Carol Kidd 之專輯〝The Night We Called It A Day" 為「年度最佳爵士唱片」
法國康城國際爵士大獎, 最佳女演唱獎
老牌歌星法蘭仙納杜拉 Frank Sinatra 親自邀請於其 Glasgow, Ibrox Stadium 演唱會中身演出
以上嘅事跡, 影音Hi-Fi 版嘅發焼網友, 時常用 "蔡琴" 同埋 "Kidd 姐" 試 Hi-Fi, 又話
人聲, 定位, 抖氣聲... Crystal Gayle 與 Carol Kidd 一曲 WHEN I DREAM 嘅經歴,
同 LINN UK 嘅音响產品又知幾多呢?
Ivor Tiefenbrun
Linn Sondek LP-12 with Ekos arm & Troika Cartridge, 1972 First Production
版主請代分類, MUSIC窩 ? 影音 Hi-Fi ?
J O K I N G ! HEHEH. ..好在退咗焼十幾年唧 !
" When I Dream - Astor Fong 方 文 (theme from the movie "Dragon Squad 猛龍")
Astor Fong, Hong Kong singer. "When I Dream" was chosen from her debut album "Erste",
which is also the theme song from the movie "Dragon Squad". All songs from "Erste" were carefully
chosen to ensure that the best of audiophile sound is captured. " 各位師兄, 師姐, 幫手俾啲料, 呢位小姐乜來頭呢? 恕小弟孤陋寡聞嘞 !
thank you for spending all the time for putting together all these. Just to let you know there are someones like me that really appreciate your effort. Music is good for taking one away from all these problems for life, at least for a few minutes. I do hope that people take that kind of view and enjoy it at the monent and leave all trobles behind. The first song here is a bit sloppy but we need music like that sometimes.