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1992 年洛杉磯騷亂

發表於 2012-9-4 06:19:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
LA Riot 1992
1992 年洛杉磯騷亂


羅尼 • King (1965 年 4 月 2 日 — — 2012 年 6 月 17 日) 是在 1991 年 3 月 3 日在洛杉磯的高速車追逐後,  被洛杉磯警務人員嚴厲毆打後,成為眾所周知的非洲裔美國建築工人。喬治 • 霍利迪,自附近公寓的陽臺目擊毆打和錄影了這一事件。

部分片段播出到世界各地,激怒公眾的憤怒,特別是在美國洛杉磯和其他美國城市如種族緊張和黑人社區和員警之間的緊張關係往往已經高。錄影帶也增加了市民的乘車和關於員警暴行、 種族主義、 和其他在整個美國的社會不平等的憤怒。

四名警務人員被後來在洛杉磯縣高等法院對其嚴厲毆打行為事件接受審訊。三名警務人員被判無罪,陪審團未能達成關於第四屆警務人員的裁決。裁決觸發 1992年洛杉磯騷亂,其中 53 人被殺,和超過兩千人受傷。

美國聯邦政府,通過美國加州中部地區區域法院介入, 起訴4 名警員 “侵犯King的公民權”,結果兩名警員判決有罪的和後來被判監禁。其他兩名人員被宣告無罪。

Rodney Glen King (April 2, 1965 – June 17, 2012) was an African-American construction worker who became well known after being beaten harshly by Los Angeles police officers following a high-speed car chase on March 3, 1991. George Holliday, a resident in the nearby area, witnessed the beating and videotaped much of it from the balcony of his nearby apartment.
The videotaped footage shows seven officers surrounding King, with several Los Angeles area officers striking King repeatedly. Whether or not King was resisting is a contentious point, as police safety guidelines regarding offender resistance may differ from what the public might consider them to be. During the struggle to subdue King, other officers stood by, without seeming to take action to stop King from being struck. A portion of the footage was aired around the world, inflaming public outrage, particularly in Los Angeles and other American cities where racial tension, and tension between the black community and police was often already high. The videotape also increased public sensitivity to, and anger about police brutality, racism, and other social inequalities throughout the United States.
Four police officers from the LAPD who took part in the incident were later tried in the Los Angeles County Superior Court for their conduct during the incident, and the case was given a change of venue to Simi Valley, in Ventura County. Three of the police officers were acquitted, and the jury failed to reach a verdict regarding the fourth police officer. The acquittals are generally considered to have triggered the 1992 Los Angeles riots, in which 53 people were killed, and over two thousand were injured. The riots ended only after soldiers from the United States Army National Guard, along with United States Marines from nearby Camp Pendleton, California, were called in to assist local authorities and quell the riots.
The United States federal government, through the United States District Court for the Central District of California, stepped in and held a federal trial for civil rights violations, ending with two of the police officers found guilty, and subsequently imprisoned. The other two officers were acquitted.
During the riots, King appeared on television and offered what would later be his famous plea, "Can we all get along?"

LA Riot happened because of the bad judgement of the Court, and Rodney King came out and appealed to the crowd to stop Rioting by saying that "Can't we just get along".  He's not saying the beating up of him is excusable!  Actually the policemen who beaten him were found guilty of violating the civil right of King.


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發表於 2012-9-4 07:58:13 | 顯示全部樓層


LAPD: Welcome to LA! We will treat you like you are King, Rodney King"
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