看到上圖中的這款 T 恤,你是否覺得很新奇?它融合了 LED 顯示功能,加入了麥克風、喇叭、攝像頭以及加速感測器。所有的這些合併在一起變成了一個 tshirtOS 平臺,同時它能穿在身上,可以用來表達心中所想。很可惜的是,現在它還是停留在概念階段。根據設計,它能顯示 Twitter 資訊、播放音樂影片、可以直接拍照發送到 Instagram 等;因為其通過一個晶片和智慧手機溝通,而智慧手機幫助其連上網際網路。專案負責人宣稱已經開始測試產品,並且會根據註冊的人數來決定是否大規模量產。從現在來看, tshirtOS 並沒有明確產品的具體規格,價格也不得而知,根據專案推行者 CuteCircuit 的過往歷史,我們也懷疑這不過是一個市場病毒行銷的噱頭。但看完視頻,當中所演示的場景又頗具可能性,這種產品成真的概率有多大,你作何判斷?
Canvas A selection of fabric for tshirtOS
Prototype 1.0 tshirtOS brain model to test Bluetooth connection
It's technical Random selection of tshirtOS parts
Parts Oscilloscope bluetooth, accelerometer and battery
Building Soldering the prototype
More chips Camera and breakout board
tshirtOS in the making Components used to make up the screen
Brain 1.0 The first brain transmits byte data to screen via Bluetooth
Brain food Batteries used to power tshirtOS
Micro 1 of the 32 processors used to power the screen
Making the screen A selection of components
tshirtOS heartbeat An oscilloscope observing voltages
Cute circuit Early brain prototype
Evolution of the brain Various generations of bluetooth test kits
Action Live java testing of GIF prototypes
Screen test tshirtOS meet everyone, everyone meet tshirtOS
:) Early screen test
Omnivision Cube The world's smallest commercial camera
Lasercutting Ballantine's & CuteCircuit logos
It's alive The final tshirtOS brain including all functionality
Coming Soon Test of a waving hand GIF
tshirtOS app How the t-shirt connects to the internet
Hallo The app using Google Translate to output text in Dutch
Music tshirtOS can play track, display artwork or artist and song
#Tweet The app can pull in twitter streams, mentions and hashtags
Camera T-shirt can take and display photos
以上影片乃youtube提供,與本站無關; 若無法觀看,可查看 原網址。 |