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SF 新手!! 多問題

發表於 2012-7-20 14:51:03 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
小弟新到三藩市, 喺香港有玩開, 忍咗好耐, 呢幾日已經不停做功課, 並有意呢兩日出擊...

我已到 down town 踩線, 並已經搵到第一目標, ceo.. 但仍想搞清楚先..
1) 有冇師兄知道ceo嘅流程??
係咪一上到去,係好似香港馬欖咁, 入大廳後再被帶入細房, mami 帶女逐個入嚟, 全程喺ceo入面樓搞掂? 定益或係, 揀啱要帶走去其他地方再開房呢?
2) ceo個場係咪擺明車馬, 個個都係全套服務, 唔洗講嘢, 全部自動波執埋, 定益或係鬼鬼鼠鼠, 扮晒正骨咁呢, 要再開口先有得執呢??
3) 費用我已知道大約140-200 左右, 但有冇話要最低消費, 例如一定要兩個鐘起錶呢??
4) 知唔知啲女點分價錢呢?
5)我份人比較淹占, mami 帶啲女嚟, 唔啱食, 可唔可以彈??, 可以彈幾多轉? 或者, 彈咗要唔要比 tips?
6) 最早幾點開門, 幾點有女? 有冇話咩時間啲女好啲, 多啲??
7) 估計 ceo 啲女應該唔方年紀會細...知唔知大約咩年紀呢? 又或者, 鬼妹會唔會後生啲呢?

除ceo外, 我亦有其他目標, myredbook~
但聽師兄講多數係假相, 請問如果玩啲高價格嘅$300以上嗰啲, 會唔會有保正啲呢? 比較對板啲呢?
我屬意 in call, 請問係咩地方嚟?? 類似香港馬欖? 佢自己 apartment ( 一樓一)? 或 到時又要再租房呢??
一樣問題, 有冇最低消費??
去到唔啱又點呢? 要唔要比錢?

人一世物一世, 唔介意比多少少, 最緊要好玩...


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-21 00:10:31 | 顯示全部樓層
Almost forgot most bros can read Chinese here!! So Sorry!! Let me start it over in English Again!!

I am a new guy who arrived San Francisco! I used to go hunting when I'm in HK!! It has been few months here, I have to get some!

here are my questions, Any brothers can help?
1) What's the procedure about CEO?
We walk in in dining room and Mami brings us into the bed room and wait for the girls coming then complete all the things inside? or We pick the girls in CEO then we have to leave and rent some kind of hotel?
2) Do we need to say and password or we need to tell Mami we wanna fuck? I don't wanna get up there for just a normal massage.
3) I have read over from you guys, and I know the price should be around 140-200. Does CEO require min. charge? such as we need to pay at least 2 hours or 1.5 hours?
4) What about if the mami brings some girl whom I don't like?  Do I need to pay for the girl I rejected or need to give her some tips??
5) What is the opening hours is CEO? What time is the best time to get more choices?
7) I believe CEO's girls would not be young, Normally how old are they? or Which kind of the girls will be younger?? 鬼妹??

I have checked redbook too!! And I heard about most of the pictures in redbook are fake. I don't mind, but I just want someone who is good enough. What about I just pick someone who is over $300, Do u think I can get better guarantee? or higher price girls show us real pictures?
I would like to do it in call, most of the details in redbook noticed incall will be in down town area. What does the place look like?? like HK's 馬欖, we walk into the house and get into the samll room? or like 一樓一 we get into the girls apartment? or we need to meet first, then we go to some other hotel or motel??
Does the girl in redbook has min. charge?
What about when I get there but the girl is not my tea? just leave? or we still need to pay a part of it? or we need to pay tips??
and what is the best time to go for attack??

Please help!!
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-21 00:10:59 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 porkpork #1 的帖子

Almost forgot most bros can read Chinese here!! So Sorry!! Let me start it over in English Again!!

I am a new guy who arrived San Francisco! I used to go hunting when I'm in HK!! It has been few months here, I have to get some!

here are my questions, Any brothers can help?
1) What's the procedure about CEO?
We walk in in dining room and Mami brings us into the bed room and wait for the girls coming then complete all the things inside? or We pick the girls in CEO then we have to leave and rent some kind of hotel?
2) Do we need to say and password or we need to tell Mami we wanna fuck? I don't wanna get up there for just a normal massage.
3) I have read over from you guys, and I know the price should be around 140-200. Does CEO require min. charge? such as we need to pay at least 2 hours or 1.5 hours?
4) What about if the mami brings some girl whom I don't like?  Do I need to pay for the girl I rejected or need to give her some tips??
5) What is the opening hours is CEO? What time is the best time to get more choices?
7) I believe CEO's girls would not be young, Normally how old are they? or Which kind of the girls will be younger?? 鬼妹??

I have checked redbook too!! And I heard about most of the pictures in redbook are fake. I don't mind, but I just want someone who is good enough. What about I just pick someone who is over $300, Do u think I can get better guarantee? or higher price girls show us real pictures?
I would like to do it in call, most of the details in redbook noticed incall will be in down town area. What does the place look like?? like HK's 馬欖, we walk into the house and get into the samll room? or like 一樓一 we get into the girls apartment? or we need to meet first, then we go to some other hotel or motel??
Does the girl in redbook has min. charge?
What about when I get there but the girl is not my tea? just leave? or we still need to pay a part of it? or we need to pay tips??
and what is the best time to go for attack??

Please help!!
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-21 00:10:59 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 porkpork #1 的帖子

Almost forgot most bros can read Chinese here!! So Sorry!! Let me start it over in English Again!!

I am a new guy who arrived San Francisco! I used to go hunting when I'm in HK!! It has been few months here, I have to get some!

here are my questions, Any brothers can help?
1) What's the procedure about CEO?
We walk in in dining room and Mami brings us into the bed room and wait for the girls coming then complete all the things inside? or We pick the girls in CEO then we have to leave and rent some kind of hotel?
2) Do we need to say and password or we need to tell Mami we wanna fuck? I don't wanna get up there for just a normal massage.
3) I have read over from you guys, and I know the price should be around 140-200. Does CEO require min. charge? such as we need to pay at least 2 hours or 1.5 hours?
4) What about if the mami brings some girl whom I don't like?  Do I need to pay for the girl I rejected or need to give her some tips??
5) What is the opening hours is CEO? What time is the best time to get more choices?
7) I believe CEO's girls would not be young, Normally how old are they? or Which kind of the girls will be younger?? 鬼妹??

I have checked redbook too!! And I heard about most of the pictures in redbook are fake. I don't mind, but I just want someone who is good enough. What about I just pick someone who is over $300, Do u think I can get better guarantee? or higher price girls show us real pictures?
I would like to do it in call, most of the details in redbook noticed incall will be in down town area. What does the place look like?? like HK's 馬欖, we walk into the house and get into the samll room? or like 一樓一 we get into the girls apartment? or we need to meet first, then we go to some other hotel or motel??
Does the girl in redbook has min. charge?
What about when I get there but the girl is not my tea? just leave? or we still need to pay a part of it? or we need to pay tips??
and what is the best time to go for attack??

Please help!!
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發表於 2012-7-21 01:50:09 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 porkpork #4 的帖子

CEO, nothing special,  just type the number from the front door and they open the door.  go up and someone will ask you.  Do you have appointment? Just say"no".   Since you do not know any girl in there, just ask the keeper.   Can I take a look?   She will bring you to one of the room and will ask the girl come out and let you see.   If ok.  give her $60 dollars.    wait for the girl come and she will ask you to shower or not.  just like regular message in HK,  she will do all the work.   May be she will ask you how much?  We used to pay $120 to 140,   If not, just let the keeper know.  you can go.
Redbook is good choice too,  If you have any questions, you can PM me,   I can read chinese too.  Good Luck  
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-21 05:48:53 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 johnlee5679 #5 的帖子

That means CEO is a Massage more than HK's 馬欖?? I even need to take bath myself? I don't need any massage! I just want a great fuck! that I should go for redbook, right?
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-21 06:07:39 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 porkpork #6 的帖子

非常感激你嘅回覆....如果去ceo係dup 多過砌嘅, 我又冇咩興趣, 我想搵啲入房, 條女服侍我冲涼, 跟住上床慢慢嘆... 而且我估ceo都應該所有都係中女...
其實我都諗住去幫親 redbook!! 又有啲深入啲嘅問題想請教...小弟不嬲喺香港玩開, 心知道平嘢冇好嘅道理...千里嚟到, 我亦唔想玩 跎地或北菇, 心水食鬼妹... 請問, 我打算食啲300或以上嘅, 會唔會有水準啲同埋有保證啲!!?? 其次係, 喺香港玩架妹,係最貴嘅...而且好多時係韓妹頂包... 我知道日本仔好崇尚美國, 正所為人離鄉賤, 諗諗吓, 食吓架妹都好, 但去到redbook, 又凈係可以揀 asian, 我逐個睇, 大多都類似越南妹或泰妹, 請問點可以揀到啲架妹呢?? 師兄又有冇心水介紹??
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發表於 2012-7-21 12:54:06 | 顯示全部樓層
any recommendation in San Jose?
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發表於 2012-7-21 15:59:18 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 porkpork #4 的帖子

Porkpork ching, I am new and you appear to know a lot already
Could you tell me more about CEO?  Where is it and how to get started?
What is Redbook? I tried www.Redbook.com but that is not it.
Thanks your help in advance. Chinese ican read.
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發表於 2012-7-21 15:59:28 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 porkpork #4 的帖子

Porkpork ching, I am new and you appear to know a lot already
Could you tell me more about CEO?  Where is it and how to get started?
What is Redbook? I tried www.Redbook.com but that is not it.
Thanks your help in advance. Chinese ican read.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-21 23:15:58 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 happy2bfree #10 的帖子

it is myredbook! Not Redbook!!!please try www.myredbook.com
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發表於 2012-7-22 00:28:19 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 porkpork #11 的帖子

Now I got it. Thanks.
How about CEO?
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-22 00:36:22 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 happy2bfree #12 的帖子

I just went there and confirmed the place but I didn't go up!! As I saw some other ching's reply that they do massage more than fucking... I don't like massage and I just wanna fuck! And I even have to take bath myself, so I would rather try redbook! I believe cheap price doesn't have good service!
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