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奧克蘭警方掃黃 拘捕5名嫖客
2015年4月20日 上午10:22 By Wanda Fung 馮珮華




當局沒有公開被捕人士的身分,只透露他們分別來自奧克蘭市、San Pablo市、聖馬刁市、Kensington市和San Rafael市。


自1月1日以來, 當局的掃黃行動共拘捕70人,來自加州27個城市,當中只有22人來自奧克蘭市。
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發表於 2015-4-21 14:38:09 | 顯示全部樓層
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Enough - Putting an End to Sex Trafficking in Oakland

    Information available in English on this page.
    Para información en español, visite la página web Tráfico Sexual.

Sex trafficking – buying and selling human beings for sex – is illegal.  One of the fastest growing criminal enterprises in the world, sex trafficking forces thousands of men, women, and children into a life of prostitution every year. This low-risk, high-profit crime affects victims from all walks of life.

The United States is one of the top destinations for trafficking in persons, and California is a top destination state.

The Oakland Police Department is committed to combating sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. We are dedicated to identifying and rescuing victims of trafficking and locating and arresting perpetrators of this crime. We work closely with the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office to hold the perpetrators of these serious crimes accountable; we also work with victim advocacy groups to provide support to the victims.

The community also plays an important role in combating trafficking. An informed community is an empowered community.

If you believe someone you know is a victim of trafficking, resources are available to assist you. There are several ways to report sex trafficking. Scroll down to Help & Resources to learn more.

The individuals shown below were arrested in the City of Oakland for prostitution-related offenses and have been charged by the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office.

Arrested and Charged - Pimps & Purchasers


Pictures posted 4/17/15


The individual(s) shown below have been arrested and charged. They are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The information provided below is intended to keep our community informed about the individuals who have been arrested and charged for prostitution-related offenses.

Note: Pictures and information are updated twice a month.

shomari humphrey

Shomari Humphrey

  billy whisenton

Billy Whisenton
Arrest Date: April 1, 2015
Name: Shomari Humphrey
DOB:   8/16/1984
Charges: Human Trafficking of a Minor, Pimping, & Pandering
City of Residence: Bay Point        Arrest Date: April 13, 2015
Name: Billy Whisenton
DOB:   8/11/1986
Charges: Human Trafficking & Pimping
City of Residence: Oakland


Pictures posted 4/17/15


The individuals shown below have been arrested and charged for solicitation of prostitution and/or related charges. They are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The information provided below is intended to keep our community informed about the individuals who have been arrested and charged for prostitution-related offenses.

Note: Pictures and information are updated twice a month.

ikechukwu keke

Ikechukwu Keke

martin franco

Marco Franco
Arrest Date: February 19, 2015
Name: Ikechukwu Keke
DOB: 2/14/1979
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: San Francisco          Arrest Date: February 11, 2015
Name: Martin Franco
DOB: 11/30/1975
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: San Ramon

seotaek lee

Seotaek Lee

abdi hussein

Abdi Hussein
Arrest Date: February 11, 2015
Name: Seotaek Lee
DOB: 10/26/1993
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: Berkeley         Arrest Date: February 11, 2015
Name: Abdi Hussein
DOB: 1/1/1986
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: Oakland

dung nguyen

Dung Nguyen

robert thompson

Robert Thompson
Arrest Date: February 25, 2015
Name: Dung Nguyen
DOB: 1/1/1972
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: San Pablo          Arrest Date: February 25, 2015
Name: Robert Thompson
DOB: 3/13/1966
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: Alameda

armando sanchez

Armando Sanchez

douglas versola

Douglas Versola
Arrest Date: February 24, 2015
Name: Armando Sanchez
DOB: 10/15/1973
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: Oakland         Arrest Date: February 25, 2015
Name: Douglas Versola
DOB: 9/20/1977
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: San Lorenzo

ricardo cuellar

Ricardo Cuellar

miguel loza

Miguel Loza
Arrest Date: February 25, 2015
Name: Ricardo Cuellar
DOB: 4/24/1989
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: Oakland          Arrest Date: February 25, 2015
Name: Miguel Loza
DOB: 6/18/1990
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: San Leandro

kiran gautam

Kiran Gautam

peter fong

Peter Fong
Arrest Date: February 25, 2015
Name: Kiran Gautam
DOB: 1/13/1976
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: Alameda          Arrest Date: February 25, 2015
Name: Peter Fong
DOB: 7/6/56
Charge: Solicitation of Prostitution
City of Residence: Alameda

“John” Arrests, 1 Jan – 17 Apr 15

Our records show that purchasers come from all over. Click on the table below to pull up the document.

Home Cities of Human Trafficking Users, Jan - Apr 2015

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發表於 2015-4-21 14:39:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Stay away Oak Town. Go somewhere else
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發表於 2015-5-7 13:43:03 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2015-5-7 13:49:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Those cops are son of the bitch.
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