《暢談經典、閒話金曲》- House Of The Rising Sun
樂迷都以為 The Animals 係原唱及原作者, 但好快就被否定, 而被佢哋唱紅就真。
唯有根據由最早期録音當作原唱, 但原作曲詞就冇法揾嘞, 原因喺歌詞版本太多,
段數不同, 連作者係男定女, 歌詞内果間喺 New Orleans 嘅 HOUSE 都唔知係監獄
或妓院. 要由歌者對角色演譯取向, 同歌迷自已將角色代入而定嘞。
1964 -The Animals成員Alan Price就認為呢首歌係16世紀英國民歌, 描述Soho區
裡面妓院嘅故事, 後來由移民去美國嘅英國人將此曲落根同代入去 New Orleans.
There is a house in New Orleans
It's called the Rising Sun
It's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And Lord I know of one
If he had heard what daddy said
He'd be a king today
But he knew best, what he should do
And he was on his way
He soon become a travelling man
He's travelled from town to town
The path he took was good to him
Till he drank his liquor down
Then he woke up at thirty-five
Realized what he had done
Remembered what is daddy said
But the House of the Rising Sun
There is a House in New Orleans
It's called the Rising Sun
It's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And Lord I know of one
And Lord I know of one
Yes I do really know, I know of one
Yes I do I know of one, yea...