Newton Family
匈牙利名 : Neoton Familia (Newton Family) 一隊匈牙利流行樂隊, 始於1965年由László Pásztor 與 Lajos Galácz 两人的
一次校内歌唱比賽開始踏入歐洲歌唱事業, 在東歐其名氣與 ABBA 不分伯仲, 不同之處其成員眾多, 大约每十年甚至
數年都有成員進出, 最多成員於 1977 - 1990多達12人, 所以樂隊自稱 Family 亦不過份...
Images go through my mind of laughing wondering
When we were young what love would bring
Cold and snowy days, tender first embrace
We had everything, all that life could mean
For bidden like a precious jewel you couldn't see
That I need only you as you needed me
Then I showed you how with my heart and soul
From that moment on forever we'd lived as one
Then you want away it broke my heart
You were my life right from the start
Smile again
Though you were gone I never could believe
Smile again
You'd just let me lonely
Smile again
Because I know your spirit lives in me until eternity
Smile again
(* Repeat)
Our child gave me reason to live
Memorise of you time couldn't heal
Smile again
All the thing they said were never true
Smile again
We can start a new
Smile again
Because I knew your spirit lives in me until eternity
Smile again