Band仔成員或隊名的變動是很平常的事, 經幾番改名由 "Sigma 6", "The Meggadeaths", "The Abdabs" 到最後改為
"The Tea Set"。1964年, 當中成員 Clive Metcalfe, Keith Noble 與妹妹 Sheilagh 均離隊, 由17歲的 Syd Barrett
加入, 他是1964年初才到倫敦就讀 Camberwell Art School 主修油畫, 童年時期的 Roger 與 Syd 的两家人早己認識,
經常到 Syd 的家裡 Jam 歌玩结他, 有藝術家個性的 Syd 入讀 Art college 是理所當然的選擇。
1967年 Syd 提出邀請 David Gilmour 加入為第五隊員, 一經提意, 各成員均表贊同, David Gilmour 亦欣然接受, 原來他俩
早於 60年初就讀 Cambridge Technical School 時認識, 在學期間經常以结他與口琴演奏以娱同學, 甚至结伴搭順風車到法國
南部旅行, 早年前 David 己經很想加入當時的 "The Tea Set", 但被 Syd 拒絕, 這可見 Syd 的真性情。
L-R: Nick Mason, Syd Barrett, David Gilmour, Roger Waters & Richard Wright
Side B: "Candy And A Currant Bun"
原曲名 " Let's Roll Another One "
歌詞中一句: " I'm high- Don't try to spoil my fun" 内容又寓意與毒品有關, 唱片公司下令要修改歌詞及歌曲名....
" Candy And A Currant Bun "
【多才多藝 】
Syd 離開後, 主要創作均落在 Roger Waters 及 David Gilmour 身上, 两人的創作才華, 在编寫每一歌曲時, 歌詞多以敘事
或富想像力的畫面為構思, 加上直着 Psychedelic Rock 的潮流, 其創作性及聲光影视效果, 成為 "Pink Floyd" 的特式,
更殿定日後在舞台上 Live 演出的戲劇性場面。
All Albums :
1967 - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
1968 - A saucerful of Secret
1969 - Soundtrack from the Film More
1969 - Ummagumma
1970 - Atom Heart Mother
1971 - Meddle
1972 - Obscured by Clouds
1973 - The Dark Side of The Moon
1975 - Wish You Were Here
1977 - Animals
1979 - The Wall
1983 - The Final Cut
1987 - A Momentary Lapse of Reason
1994 - The Division Bell
【合久必分 】
"The Wall"《迷牆》造就 "Pink Floyd" 的高峰時期, 成為摇滚樂壇的經典, 更被改编成電影, 大受好評。隨着樂隊的成功,
隊員之間也開始不和, 由於 Roger 成為隊中的軸心, 與 David 的接觸也漸見疏離, 合作意願亦起破裂。
"THE WALL" 拍成電影, 又經過1980,81两年日子,以"Pink Floyd" 為名的巡廻演出後至1982年, 一曲《The Final Cut》成導火線,
全曲作詞本由 Roger Waters 與 David Gilmour 共同創作, 但當 Roger 完成自己部份後, David 仲未有一點頭緒, 並要求將唱片
製作延遲, 但被 Roger 反對, 决定祇用自己所編寫的歌曲, 並將 David Gilmour 名字剔除出唱片製作名單行列, 衹用 Roger Water
與 Pink Floyd 的名字將唱片推出, 但如常給 David 分红, 及後各有異見至樂隊面臨解散, 1985年 Roger Waters 正式離開,
1986年與其他成員因為日後源用 Pink Floyd 的名字與前作品的版權, 雙方對薄公堂。1987年協議和解,其他成員可保留樂隊的名字,
Roger Waters 獨自保留 "The Wall" 的版權作日後演出, 之後 David Gilmour 與 Nick Mason 重组 "Pink Floyd", 演出或唱片
錄音製作, 最後的唱片是1994年的 "The Division Bell" 並列入英美排行榜的成績。
Roger Waters 亦继續在樂壇發展, 1990年以個人魅力及才華, 拼棄舊拍檔, 並邀請衆多樂壇巨星参予, 在前東柏林舉行的一次龐大,
令人咋舌的舞台製作, 演出 "The Wall" 以週年紀念1989年柏林圍牆被推倒。"The Wall" 各地巡迴演出, 可惜這個自稱《動感之都》
兼國際城市之一的, 纽倫【港】就缘慳一面矣 !
1975年一次各成員於錄音室工作期間, Syd Barrett 突然出現, 看見他面目全非的樣子甚為錯諤, 他可能感於羞愧或懊悔,
未發一言不辭而別, 各人對他離開樂隊後的鬱鬱不樂, 耿耿於懷, 於是一首懷念他有感而寫的歌...
1975年 29歲的 Syd Barrett
So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
And cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange
A walk on part in the war,
For a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
2006年7月7日Syd Barrett 因糖尿病并發症在劍橋家中去世, 終年60歲。(1946 - 2006)
2008年9月15日Richard Wright 因癌症逝世, 終年65歲。(1943 - 2008)
Comfortbly Numb - Lyric
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone at home?
Come on, now,
I hear you're feeling down.
Well I can ease your pain
And get you on your feet again.
I need some information first.
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons.
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain you would not understand
This is not how I am.
I have become comfortably numb.
I have become comfortably numb.
O. K.
Just a little pin prick.
There'll be no more AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
But you may feel a little sick.
Can you stand up?
I do believe its working. Good.
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on it's time to go.
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown,
The dream is gone.
I have become comfortably numb.
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/D2Yupc5E9MU/ 這 BBC 的製作在本人將近完成 The Pink Floyd Story 時才被發現, 恰好是全文的故事, 相信很多樂迷與本人一樣,
對 Syd Barrett 所認知不多, 因為他在 The Pink Floyd 的日子很短, 但始終他是樂隊的 "Soul & Founder", 沒有他,
没有 The Pink Floyd 的名字於樂壇, 没有他的個性與影响, 沒有 The Pink Floyd 貫徹始終的執着於 Psychedelic
Rock Music 製作, 相對很多樂隊早己走進商業音樂了, 由一首前衛的作品, 當年不被保守社會認同的創作音樂 ,
"THE WALL" 証實了一切, Roger Waters 有眼光, 寧取 The Wall 版權, 不要以前樂隊的一切 ....
THE CHANGES OF THE PINK FLOYD'S LINEUP Information from: Wikipedia - The Pink Floyd