我quote咗啲Youtube comment:
It says the mother raised him by praising but the father was strict, wanting his son to be able to be a positive contributer to society so he felt it was not right to spoil him. Then the father confides, my son said to me once, "I don't have to see but if I could see for just one day, I would like to see mother's face". "When I heard that, I felt really bad for my son".
On the other hand, the people in this country (USA) have made an excellent video called "A Surprise in Texas" about Nobuyuki's Cliburn Win
Nobuyuki thank his parents for all the support right after winning Van Cliburn. His father is a doctor and his mother Itsuko is a free-announcer and how Itsuko realized the musical talent in Nobuyuki. I think the point of the show was pretty much on educating other parents on how to nurture their childrens' talents.