So I was bored and decided to take a few pics of my favorite lenses...
The 28mm f1.8 is one of my favorite indoor lens. At 28 it is pretty wide on a FF camera and very light and fast as well. Image quality is as good as any prime out there.
The 50mm 1.8 is pretty close to the human "point of view" It can almost see as much as I can see and light and small like the 28mm. Image quality is second to none as well.
The 100mm 2.8 L - you can't get any better than this. L stand for costing a leg. you can get 1:1 with this awesome close up lens. Image quality is one of the best in the Canon lineup.
The 70-200 f4.0 L - yet another great L glass. Not really watersealed but at this price you shouldn't expect that. Image quality is awesome not as good as the 100 2.8 L but it is pretty close.
What kinda of lenses do ya fellow Ching use?
And I took all the above images with the 17-40 f4 L which is an amazing nature/landscape lens. I use it for close up kid stuff also. With that said I know there are some bad copies of these lenses but my copy of all of these seem to be superb. The 100 2.8L and the 17-40L is suppose to be weather resistant. You do get what you paid for sometimes.
Yeah I had some from years ago on my film SLR days. Those were the good old times. Every "click" cost money! Not to mention the hours after hours in the dark room.
Mr.metal 發表於 2012-1-16 08:18
Yes you are right. But focusing during video taking in DSLR camera is not easy.
Yea it can get very tough even with IS. What I do is I use f 8 or f 11 if I want more stuff to be in focus; even with that is tough if your subject is moving fast.