this is part of recent 酒店妹報告 posting after the new rules
most than 3/4 of the posting are from different people with the same camera and posting at the same time? AD??
did the new rules sucessfully get rid of all the normal people and left with Ads account that don't care getting banned??
In my opinion, most of the "reports" in this section are ads, they lied about everything- face, body, services. You named it, they lied about it. It is such a tun off and make me surf less in this website and purchase less from the "hotel" gal.
Exactly. Frankly speaking, real photos speak much better than 10,000 words. The way these "writers" wrote were too like "ham sap" stories and not convincing. As a result, I become more and more "cautious" to pick girl, and better not to "risk" should there are doubts.
The new rules will not affect those Fucking "writer", as they will continue to post the so-called "real photos", but it will deter brothers who are willing to share genuine reports.
I'm not sure if such policy would help raising the profits of the Fucking agents, but it has made the forum less interesting and with fewer genuine information. Of course, I hope the forum owner could relax the policy to attract more "quality" reports.