發表於 2011-11-2 15:23:40
oldcake 發表於 2011-11-2 14:40
經查証, 補充如下:
要出大海報去印刷机印, 相片愈大愈好, 因現在用300dpi.(因是digital直接Out Zinc, 現 ...
27x40” is the standard size for movie posters.
It needs 27 x 40 x 300dpi = 97.2MP to cover the whole area.
Poster like this:
if the photo fill 50% of the area, then 48.6MP is needed, still a huge pixels count.
but if in 100dpi, then just need 10.8MP can cover the whole 27x40 area.
I think, if it is a movie post like the example above, 100dpi is acceptable, then 12MP is enough already ok.
But if is is a cosmetic ads poster, 300dpi may be better.
And I agree that 18MP is enough for most of the jobs. |