發表於 2011-2-9 10:27:15
passer-by 發表於 2011-2-9 09:07
網上見到this article,覺得幾好笑,post 出來分享下
港男’s viewpoint
not disgree some point of view of the guy and disagree many points of yours, passer-by..
example 1: 貪錢……極度貪錢。
mens will not switch girl friend easily coz of money, but women has much higher pobability of doing that.
women may devoice coz of money earned from their husband, but women do. ( one of major reason for women )
something wrong with the guy's comment
* 崇洋,崇日。mens and women are same
極度重視外表,忽視內在.. many mens also only care about women appearance more than her character
that's true..
mens are willing to take care the lady whose education level and income are lower than him. But women only willing to select the guy whose education level and income higher than herself.
so women expectation is always higher than mens.. and it does happens on everywhere on the earth.
However, check out this phenomeno.. how many young lady(under26) are willing to married to a guy who don't have property on hand ?
from my understanding, in HK, the ratio of this portion of girls in HK is lower than the girls in Japan, Taiwan, Mainland, Singapore, Canada, Australia, UK..etc
about this
mens are willing to married with lady who works for those occupation but women will disgrace the guy who earned living from that industry..even the lady income is a bit less than the guy who worked on that occupation.
example: a $10,000 shop sales are not likely to hang out with a $15,000 guy who work on those industry... except that guy is handsome and full of humor
i will agree some points mentioned by the guy is a bit bias like
and some points : men and women are same
追求她們的條件,主要分為三大類別:( mens also has mens' favourite) |