發表於 2010-6-13 16:00:40
八十年代中, 生平第一架車係Honda Accord, 第n手, $3,000. Stopped by a policeman one day and served me something and said the car was a junk and thus it shouldn't be on the road anymore. 跟住係n手o既Celica 2.0 GT. 幾皮野, 好飛. 楂左兩年俾偷車賊睇中, 差佬o係石崗搵返個殼.
Lived in Canada in the 90's and owned a Ford Taurus wagon. It was just a piece of crap. Then the Toyota Camry 2.0 was nice. Also owned a Lexus ES300. It was reliable and comfortable but was never a driver's car.
回流香港楂BMW X5 3.0. 一年前換左X6 35i. Future car 都會係BMW因為佢俾到"人車合一"感覺. |