發表於 2010-2-3 12:53:29
原帖由 INITIAL~D 於 2009-5-28 18:26 發表
[ 請君入甕 ]
把人塞進去,然後在甕下面用柴火加熱 ...
C-Hing, you are wrong here....
The first one who used this "penalty" was 周興, a 酷吏 of 武則天.
武則天 later received reliable information alleging 周興謀反,
she assigned another 酷吏, 來俊臣, to conduct the investigation.
來俊臣, having received such an instruction, went to see 周興, and
asked Mr. Chow how to get a confession from a suspect.
Mr. Chow, unaware of being the suspect, told Mr. Loi such a method.
Subsequently Mr. Loi ordered that one 甕 be prepared right away,
telling Mr. Chow "請君入甕". |