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[中港交流] 關於口罩,專家這樣説

發表於 2020-2-6 19:23:46 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 fNsveLqv 於 2020-2-6 19:22 編輯



Many in China Wear Them, but Do Masks Block Coronavirus?
They may help, but experts say it’s more important to wash your hands.


Chinese authorities have encouraged people in the city of Wuhan to wear surgical masks in public to help curb the spread of the new coronavirus.
The question is: do they work?
Many infectious disease specialists say the cheap disposable masks, which cover the nose and mouth, may help prevent the spread of infections if they are worn properly and used consistently.
But there isn’t much high-quality scientific evidence on their effectiveness outside health care settings, experts say.
Most of the best studies, which are randomized controlled trials, focused on how well surgical masks protect health care workers in hospitals from picking up infections from sick patients, and found that consistent use of them helped.
Dr. Julie Vaishampayan, chairwoman of the public health committee for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, said surgical masks are really
“the last line of defense.”
美國傳染病學會公共衛生委員會主席朱莉·瓦伊桑帕揚(Julie Vaishampayan)博士說,口罩確實是“最後一道防線”。
“We worry about people feeling they’re getting more protection from the mask than they really are,” she said. “Washing your hands and avoiding people who are ill is way more important than wearing a mask.”
她說:“我們擔心人們會覺得他們從面具中獲得的保護比他們真正的要多。” “洗手並避免生病的人比戴口罩更重要。”
Because surgical masks aren’t fitted or sealed, they leave gaps around the mouth, “so you’re not filtering all of the air that comes in,” she said.
The masks will, however, block most large respiratory droplets from other people’s sneezes and coughs from entering your mouth and nose, said Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease physician at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Coronaviruses are primarily spread through droplets, he said.
The bigger problem is that people don’t use the masks properly. “Most people will put their hand underneath the mask to scratch their face or rub their nose,” bringing contaminants in contact with the nose and mouth, said Dr. Adalja. “You can’t take it off when you get a phone call.”
更大的問題是人們沒有正確使用口罩。阿達利亞博士說:“大多數人將手放在面具下面,以劃傷臉或擦鼻子。”使污染物與鼻子和嘴接觸。 “接到電話後就無法取下。”
Dr. Mark Loeb, an infectious disease specialist at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, said a study during an outbreak of the SARS coronavirus found that any type of protection — whether a mask or a respirator — reduced the risk of infections in health care workers by about 85 percent.
安大略省漢密爾頓麥克馬斯特大學的傳染病專家Mark Loeb博士說,SARS冠狀病毒爆發期間的一項研究發現,任何類型的防護措施(無論是口罩還是呼吸器)都可以降低醫護人員被感染的風險減少了大約百分之八十五
“The most important message was that the risk was lower if they consistently used any mask,” he said.
There is general agreement that infected patients who wear surgical masks are less likely to spread infection to others. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has instructed hospitals to ask any patients who have a fever or respiratory illness, have recently traveled to Wuhan, or have come in contact with someone who has traveled there, to wear a surgical mask.
The C.D.C. also recommends that health care workers wear a respirator, which filters out more particles than a mask, when they are around such patients.
The risk of becoming infected with the coronavirus in the United States — where there is only one confirmed case — is “way too low to start wearing a face mask,” said Dr. Peter Rabinowitz, who is co-director of the University of Washington MetaCenter for Pandemic Preparedness and Global Health Security.
華盛頓大學防疫和全球衛生安全元中心(University of Washington MetaCenter)聯合主任彼得拉比諾維茨(Peter Rabinowitz)博士說,在美國,感染冠狀病毒的風險“太低了,無法開始戴口罩”。
But washing hands — frequently and before eating — is universally recommended. Hand sanitizer is effective against respiratory viruses. Experts also recommend washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, rubbing the hands together and ensuring all parts of the hands — the palms as well as the back of the hands — are washed.
“It’s also important to keep your hands away from your face,” said Dr. Vaishampayan. “Respiratory viruses don’t infect through your skin, they infect through your mucous membranes: the eyes, nose and mouth.”
瓦伊沙姆帕揚博士說:“將手遠離臉部也很重要。” “呼吸道病毒不會通過皮膚感染,而是通過黏膜(眼睛,鼻子和嘴巴)感染。”



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Not in Hong Kong,where the virus is stealthy.
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