房祖名、柯震東吸毒爆發後,有網友發現柯震東7月在instagram分享的影片,好友謝霆鋒、陳柏霖、房祖名都入鏡,其他三人無異樣,但房祖名迷幻眼神讓網友直呼「好可怕」, 現在又有香港媒體曝光房祖名,神情恍惚的照片,也再度引聯想,而好麻吉陳柏霖則坐在一旁,背影入鏡,不過日前陳柏霖的好友兼經紀人張力保證陳柏霖潔身自愛,不會碰毒品,也願意配合調查。
根據香港雜誌《FACE》報導,曝光了房祖名全身癱躺在沙發上的照片,手拖著頭,其實這張照片是黃立成二年前PO在臉書,並留言:「Food poisoning is never fun...he needs some tlc(tender、love、care)...anyone?(食物中毒不好玩,他需要溫柔、愛與關心...有人嗎?)。」根據《蘋果日報》報導,黃立成已表示這張照片是正常聚會下所拍攝。
Poor kid. Imagine if he doesn't have a rich and famous dad, where and what would he be?
Most likely he would be a normal kid and never smoke weed. Such a Karma for the crimes his father committed. Personally, I feel sorry for this poor kid because he is not an asshole like his father. I hope he won't do too much time in jail.