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[曼谷] Soi Cow Boy @ World Cup Semi night

發表於 2014-7-11 22:45:35 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
After say good bye to my customer at Poseidon, I go to Soi Cow Boy and try to find some place to watch football.   At the end just sit at the outside table at Baccara.  From eyes witness, many many gals in this gogobar, but the eat average seems very low.  Perhaps all the good one already gone for LT, haha.  I sit almost 1.5 hours from 12am and decide go back hotel to sleep (ha, didn't watch football at all, only watch gals..).  Many Japanese and 鬼佬 come in and out, not much Chinese or HK.

And the lady boy club just opposite it seems much more pretty, but really sad it is Lady Boy, not my cup of tea.


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發表於 2014-7-12 02:33:30 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 eastinhotel #1 的帖子

Thanks for your WC @ Soi Cowboy report!

I like Baccara but the quality of mm can fluctuate quite a bit from time to time. However I will go back when I have a chance~

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發表於 2014-7-12 14:50:10 | 顯示全部樓層
Baccara喺Cowboy最有名, 最多各方好友搵食既地方, 喺嗰度識個幾個鬼佬, 佢哋唔會浪費時間, 一坐啱個女仔就走人, 同日本人中國人玩唔同, 坐啱左都仲飲多幾round先走, 變相好多女好快就唔見咗. 下個月又出發~~
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發表於 2014-7-12 15:50:50 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks bro for sharing.   Is it free to sit outside?
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 樓主| 發表於 2014-7-12 16:24:45 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 byrocks #4 的帖子

not free la, but one bottle of beer and one glass of whisky from me...
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