樓主: Ericcc18

2014年 IT人工

發表於 2014-12-14 23:55:44 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 bikelok #56 的帖子

That's always same situation on all fields.

The questions are how important of you inside the company?
What's your competitive value inside the company?  
How much you are earning for the company because of your competitive skills, knowledge and experience?  
How important is your current project or daily operation (big? curial for the business operation?)?
Is anyone can replace you easily?

Above questions are all being the same no matter which field you are there.  That determines salary.

If people can win new jobs with great salary increase, that's because skills, knowledge, experience are more important then the current company.   If your current one haven't increase much, might be that's a time to review competitive ability in the current company.
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發表於 2014-12-15 18:14:03 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 alvintyl #61 的帖子

The questions are how important of you inside the company?
老闆梗係扮唔知, 要知自己喺公司有幾重要, 遞咗信會有答案. 不過唔好奢望人哋會挽留你.
What's your competitive value inside the company?  
同上. 冇AB Test過, 係冇人會/想知.
How much you are earning for the company because of your competitive skills, knowledge and experience?  
政府都成日買告白: 企硬! 識嘢衰硬! 一個人揾幾錢, 同一個人識幾多嘢, 同做咗幾多年, 係冇必然嘅關係.
How important is your current project or daily operation (big? curial for the business operation?)?
Is anyone can replace you easily?
幾big幾crucial都好, 好難俾人replace到都好, 都係等你話唔<禁>撈嘅時間先知.
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發表於 2014-12-18 22:34:46 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2015-1-3 14:49:12 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 馬後砲 #63 的帖子

呢個動作, 要講時機, 唔係咁易落決定
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發表於 2015-1-3 22:58:51 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2015-1-5 10:46:50 | 顯示全部樓層
liondog 發表於 2015-1-3 14:49
回復 馬後砲 #63 的帖子

呢個動作, 要講時機, 唔係咁易落決定

騎牛搵馬囉1 !
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發表於 2015-1-5 12:28:31 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 馬後砲 #66 的帖子

好難, 我公司IT DEPT啱啱裁咗1/3 人, 全部PROGRAMMER, OUTSOUCE,
我做INFRA 都唔知點, 得裁?
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發表於 2015-1-5 13:46:30 | 顯示全部樓層
liondog 發表於 2015-1-5 12:28
回復 馬後砲 #66 的帖子

好難, 我公司IT DEPT啱啱裁咗1/3 人, 全部PROGRAMMER, OUTSOUCE,

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發表於 2015-1-5 16:21:12 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 馬後砲 #68 的帖子

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發表於 2015-1-6 09:16:10 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 jayzhou_2046 #69 的帖子

CHING 係自己搵工定跟返舊老細呀?
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發表於 2015-1-7 09:05:13 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 liondog #70 的帖子

自己揾. 梗要自己揾啦.
Recruitment agents 我都唔<禁>信呀!

若然冇樣得, 你真係連諗都唔想諗起,
都唔好話返啅啦! 下話?
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發表於 2015-1-7 09:11:41 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 jayzhou_2046 #71 的帖子

好耐冇搵工, 唔知自己搵叫價會唔會低D
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發表於 2015-1-7 10:37:28 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 liondog #72 的帖子

唔到價, 咪唔去咋嘛!
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發表於 2015-1-8 00:00:57 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 jayzhou_2046 #73 的帖子

依家等炒, 炒咗就冇得等喇
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發表於 2015-1-12 17:33:23 | 顯示全部樓層
To all brothers here, IT is no more a growing industry in the world (NOT only HK). I used to be a sales executive 30 something years ago and I made $40K to $60K a month. Take a look at today's sales executives, they have to thank God if they can make $30K in today's market. Be frank, I may guess only 20% to 30% of the salesmen can make more than $30K. That means, 70% or more are suffering. It is cruel and also simple just because the market is getting much more open than the old days. Yesterday's unique knowledge is just nothing new today and that's why bosses are not willing to pay high wages. Secondly, technologies are changing and it affects profit margin. Look at Hutchison Telephone, they launched Motorola mobile in 1986. The Motorola model 8000 was priced at $23,000.- Almost all the Hutchison mobile salesmen made at least $50K a month. Bear in mind, it was in 1986 - 1989, almost 30 years ago. You can pay mortgage easily for a 600" - 800" flat with what you earned. When mobile entered Digital Era, then price for mobile dropped to $3K per set. How much do you expect the boss could afford to pay you ?? If you are still young, say under 35, I would suggest you to change another industry instead of staying in the IT field. It is no doubt a sun-set industry.
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發表於 2015-1-21 23:11:27 | 顯示全部樓層
It for mobile aspect must be good
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